140 Actions
Nationwide |
140 Actions Nationwide More Than One Million Protest Again for Immigrant Rights
For the second time in less than a month, hundreds of thousands of workers, the large majority immigrants, took their stand against government attacks on immigrants and in defense of the rights of all. Across the country, west, south, north and east, undocumented and documented workers stood together alongside many high school youth, who again walked out of school to participate and inspire the actions. Participation was such that meatpacking companies lost production, and hotels and restaurants reported large numbers of workers absent. Many nationalities, including Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Ecuadorians, El Salvadorians, Nicaraguans, Haitians, Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Senegalese all made their presence known with flags and signs written in their own languages and in English. In New York, marchers were greeted in Spanish, Korean, Chinese, French and English. As one, the workers and youth stood to reject government plans to criminalize and deport undocumented workers.
These actions follow similar demonstrations across the country at the end of March. For the March actions, Los Angeles saw the largest demonstrations. In April, Dallas had more than 500,000 and New York City and Washington, DC more than 100,000; while Phoenix, Arizona and Houston, Texas numbered more than 50,000. Salt Lake City, Utah brought 20,000 people into the streets. Thousands in Idaho, Kansas, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina and elsewhere also had actions, commonly in more than one city in each state. Signs and speakers opposed government efforts to divide the workers, including the Senate's divisive plan to divide undocumented immigrants who have been in the country longer from those who have been here less than two years. Many unions participated and their representatives spoke, saying they were prepared to face being criminalized in order to stand side by side with their fellow undocumented workers. African Americans, for example, spoke to the conditions of slavery they faced and the support for their resistance from people of all nationalities, as seen in the Underground Railway. They rejected current efforts to impose a new slavery on immigrants and pledged to continue opposing the crimes of the government. Repeatedly, the important contributions of all the many immigrants to the economy and to the political and cultural life of the country were affirmed. Plans are now going forward for more actions nationwide on May 1. Representatives from more than 100 organizations, including unions and immigrant rights groups are traveling to Mexico to build unity of the workers in both countries. They plan to have common banners in DC and Mexico City for May 1. The many organizations, collectives and protesters young and old made clear that they will not accept the government attacks on their rights, as workers and as human beings. Together the workers and youth are fighting under the banners: No One is Illegal! Amnesty Now! No Deportations, No Criminalization!
Partial Listing of Weekend Protests, April 8-9 San
Diego, California: 50,000 Partial Listing of Monday, April 10 Protests (geographically from the south) Alabama: Albertville, 5,000; -Birmingham, 3,000 [TOP] Congress Must Face Reality Immigrants Want Equality Oakland, CA - Senators will pat themselves on the back this week, for agreeing to their most pro-corporate, anti-immigrant bill in decades. Tens of thousands of people may be forced to leave the U.S. as a result. Millions more would have to become braceros - guest workers on temporary visas - just to continue to labor in the jobs they have had for years. More workplace enforcement will result in firing thousands of others, creating a climate of fear that will make defending workplace rights and joining unions riskier than ever. And a border like an armed camp will continue costing the lives of hundreds of humble farmers and workers every year, crossing towards a shattered dream of a better life. No wonder people have been in the streets for weeks, with even bigger demonstrations and marches yet to come. These are ordinary people, not activists, coming out of working-class homes all over the country. A million in Los Angeles. Half a million in Chicago. Tens of thousands crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. Hunger strikers in San Francisco. Demonstrations in states where the immigrant community has been virtually invisible until now, like North Carolina and Tennessee. Border towns like Tucson. Cities from Santa Rosa to Omaha. Everywhere, immigrants and people who support them are condemning the draconian measures passed by the House of Representatives in December, especially the provision that would make undocumented people federal felons. The demonstrations have shamed especially the Senate's slight-of-hand, where second-class guest worker programs are called "a path to legalization," and the only way families can gain legal status for their undocumented members is to spend a decade or more working as braceros. Contrary to Senate proposals for deportations and bracero visas, people carry signs demanding amnesty. These myriad marchers - families with children and grandparents in tow - have a simple alternative. Equality. Many unions support them. Among the most outspoken are the Teamsters in Orange County, heart of the anti-immigrant offensive, where the mayor of Costa Mesa told his police department to begin picking up immigrants who lack visas. Teamsters Local 952 says people need real legal status, not a guest worker program. A recently passed resolution condemns both Congressional proposals, because they "do nothing to remove the economic incentives that unscrupulous employers have to hire and exploit immigrant workers, and fail to really address the fact that we have 11 million undocumented workers in this country contributing to our communities." The union "opposes any form of employer sanctions because they have historically resulted in 'employee sanctions' in the form of firings of workers for union organizing and discrimination practices on the job," and "opposes guest worker legislative proposals because such modern day 'bracero programs,' create an indentured servitude status for workers." The AFL-CIO says the same, pointing out that if there are jobs for 400,000 braceros a year (the goal of the Senate reform bill), those immigrants should be given 400,000 green cards, or residence visas, instead, which would guarantee them equal status in their workplaces and communities. The Senate bill, the AFL-CIO says, "tears at the heart of true reform and will drive millions of hard-working immigrants further into the shadows of American society." Instead, "we should recognize immigrant workers as full members of society - as permanent residents with full rights and full mobility that employers may not exploit." When Senator John McCain, co-sponsor of the Senate's main guest worker plan, tried to defend it to a building trades union audience in his home state this week, he was booed. He told the construction workers that even at $50 an hour they would not be willing to pick lettuce, implying that only Mexicans were willing to do farm labor. For some in the audience, McCain's remarks recalled former California Senator George Murphy, who infamously declared in the 1960s that only Mexicans would perform stoop labor because "they're built so close to the ground." Needless to say, McCain did not actually include in his bill any wage guarantee for guestworkers, much less $50/hour (about 5 times what lettuce cutters make today). A concerted effort by some lobbyists is underway in Washington, however, to convince legislators that guest worker status, while unpleasant, is something immigrants themselves are prepared to accept. But outside the beltway their proposal is meeting a rising tide of rejection. In New York City, Desis Rising Up & Moving and 20 other grassroots groups formed Immigrant Communities In Action, and condemned both House and Senate bills for not halting the wave of detentions and deportations visited on Muslim communities since 9/11. Another coalition, which includes the National Mobilization Against Sweatshops, the Chinese Staff and Workers' Association, and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, also rejects guestworker programs. Like the Teamsters, these groups say Congress should abolish employer sanctions instead, since they are often used to retaliate against undocumented workers who demand labor rights. The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights criticizes both the Senate and House bills because they hold "no promise of fairness in immigration policy and would undermine the rights, economic health and safety of all immigrants and their children. Congress needs to go back to the drawing board to come up with genuine, positive and fair proposals." Are there any such proposals before Congress? Yes, although beltway advocates have tried to smother the most progressive of those alternatives with silence. A year ago Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congressional Black Caucus members introduced HR 2092, which would give permanent residence visas to undocumented people already here, and outlaw discrimination based on migrant status. Jackson Lee believes federal policy should not pit migrants against native-born, as do guestworker programs. Her legislation would instead fund job training and creation in communities with high unemployment, so that both immigrants and non--immigrants can find work. In the House's mad December rush to pass the Sensenbrenner bill, criminalizing the undocumented instead of legalizing them, Jackson Lee's bill could not even get a hearing. The Congresswoman is the ranking Democrat on the House Immigration Subcommittee. In the Senate her proposal received no more consideration, from either Democrats or Republicans. Yet her bill is the only real effort to find common ground between immigrants and the working communities of citizens and long time residents that they seek to join. In their predictable beltway logic, guestworker advocates are counseling the huge demonstrations to feature U.S. flags, and carry signs saying, "We are America." But covering a corporate labor scheme with patriotic rhetoric will not convince marchers to support it. Immigrants do want to be part of U.S. society, and do want to work, but they are not likely to start holding signs saying, "I want to be a guestworker," or chanting "Braceros si! Migra no!" Hundreds of thousands of people are saying no to Washington's repressive bills, but Congress and its coterie of beltway lobbyists clearly are not listening. It is time for Washington to face reality. A huge outpouring of people is demanding real equality. They will not be satisfied with second-class status. Photographs and Stories, http://dbacon.igc.or [TOP] Fighting for Immigrant Rights Report from California Hunger Strikers 3rd Comunique from the Hunger
Strike for Immigrant Rights It was a challenging day with non-stop rain and wind that rocked all of our tents. Also a beautiful day because we heard about solidarity marches in the following cities: Milwaukee, WI (10,000 marched), Phoenix, AZ (20,000 marched). Today there are marches planned in New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and four marches planned in California (San Jose, Salinas, Sacramento and Los Angeles). Our hunger strike continues and is gaining much momentum. Today the hunger strikers were met by hundreds of well wishers in an evening ceremony that included Aztec dance, singers, speakers and many young people. Three of our hunger strikers, Maria, Bruce and Wayne delivered over 8,000 postcards from San Jose to Diane Feinstein's office. NBC, ABC and Univision were there to cover it. Even though there was non-stop rain, folks stayed out until 1:00am to keep our spirits up. Many more people have joined the fast and we are taking over the federal building. We call upon all folks to join us this weekend and camp out with us in front of the Federal Building in San Francisco. Also, join the mass mobilization for our culminating march on Monday as the Latino Veterans Against the War will join us. March begins: Monday 11:00am, from the Federal Building to Diane Feinstein's office. For more info: www.immigrantrights.org One love, [TOP] 60% say Troops Out Now! Wisconsin Votes for Immediate Withdrawal of Troops from Iraq Thousands of voters turned out in Wisconsin to oppose the war in Iraq and demand that U.S. troops be brought home. Statewide, the vote was 60 percent for withdrawal. The margins in some places were overwhelming. Madison, for example had a turnout of 34,596 voters, with 67 percent in favor of a referendum that stated, "Resolved: The United States should bring all military personnel home from Iraq now." Smaller towns, such as Couderay, Draper, Ojibwa, Vermont, and Winter also voted 65 percent or more against the war. In all, voters in 24 of 32 Wisconsin communities approved referendums on April 4, all calling for immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Many of the referendums also specifically called for beginning the withdrawal by removing National Guard and Reserve troops. For example, the referendum passed in the small town of Ladysmith said, "Be it hereby resolved; that the City of Ladysmith urges the U.S. government to begin the immediate withdrawal of its troops from Iraq starting with the National Guard and reserves, and ending all combat operations and withdrawing all combat troops by the end of 2006." The Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice was a main organizer of the effort. They are already organizing to take the referendums into more communities. While the referendums are non-biding, they do clearly represent the will of the people against the war in Iraq. Refusal by government to submit to this will is serving to further deepen the credibility crisis and increase people's rejection of the current setup. As a representative of the network said: "The people have spoken. This is what democracy looks like." In their report on the vote, the Network for Peace and Justice said, "On Tuesday April 4, in a solid demonstration of antiwar sentiment in Wisconsin, local Bring Our Troops Home ballot initiatives won in 24 of 32 communities voting on the war in Iraq. "Some highlights of the vote: "Statewide, Troops Home won 60 percent with a 14,000 vote margin of victory (2,000 more than John Kerry's margin in Wisconsin in the 2004 Presidential election). In the Door County town of Draper, carried by George Bush with 58 percent in the 2004 election, Troops Home won a 65 percent "yes" vote. Of the 32 communities voting, 12 were towns carried by George Bush in the '04 election, and Troops Home won in half of those towns. "The largest "yes" margin was in the Milwaukee suburb of Shorewood with a 70 percent "yes" vote." For full results and more information see: www.wnpj.org. [TOP] Impeachment Resolutions in Cities and Towns Increase Vermont, California, Nevada and North Carolina are among the states where resolutions to impeach President George W. Bush have passed, in cities, towns or by various city, county or state councils and committees. The various Democratic party committees at the state and county level passing resolutions are an indication that these lower levels of the party are being marginalized and excluded by the top leadership of the party, which refuses to take action on impeachment. These committees include those in populous states like California and New York, as well as smaller states like Vermont. The refusal by top Democrats and Republicans alike is occurring at a time when the majority of Americans oppose the war and support impeachment of Bush for war crimes, illegal spying and lies. The majority of troops in Iraq reflect the same stand of the people at home for withdrawal of troops from Iraq. The refusal of Congress to act only further confirms for the broad majority that their will is blocked in the current political setup. The demands of the people to impeach Bush for his crimes are not met, which is why many are increasingly acting to empower themselves through building up their fighting organizations and finding means to be political. The impeachment resolutions are part of this effort. They are being used to mobilize among the people, give expression to their demand for impeachment and extend their organizing efforts within local and state groups of various kinds. City/Town Councils Chapel Hill-Orange County (NC) Seattle (WA) 34th District Democrats [TOP] Resolutions to Impeach Bush and Cheney Below is a sample of the impeachment resolutions being passed in cities and towns and by various committees, as part of the work organized against the war in Iraq and to hold President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney accountable for their crimes. * * * WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney conspired with others to defraud the United States of America by intentionally misleading Congress and the public regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371; and WHEREAS, George W. Bush has admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of American civilians without seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, in violation of Title 50 United States Code, Section 1805; and WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney conspired to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the "Federal Torture Act" Title 18 United States Code, Section 113C, the UN Torture Convention and the Geneva Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution are part of the "supreme Law of the Land"; and WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney acted to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention without access to legal counsel, without charge and without the opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an "enemy combatant," all in subversion of law; and WHEREAS, in all of this George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have acted in a manner contrary to their trust as President and Vice President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the City of ___________ and of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, it is the uniform practice of the U.S. House of Representative to receive petitions or resolutions from primary assemblies of the people; Be it resolved that George W. Bush and Richard Cheney, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States; Be it resolved further by the City of _________ , That our senators and representatives in the United States Congress be, and they are hereby, requested to cause to be instituted in the Congress of the United States proper proceedings for the investigation of the activities of President George W. Bush to the end that he may be impeached and removed from such office. Be it resolved further, that the clerk of the City of _________ be, and is hereby, instructed to certify to the clerk of the House of Representatives, under the seal of the City of _____________, a copy of this resolution and its adoption by the City of _________, and that this resolution be entered in the United States Congressional Journal. The copies shall be marked with the word "Petition" at the top of the document and contain the authorizing signature of the _________. [TOP] |
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