Justice for Six Nations, No to Annexation
ATF Off Six Nations Land and Out of Canada!

Fake "Attempted Murder" Charges Laid Against Six Nations Defenders
OPP Colludes With ATF "Wackos from Waco"

Justice for the Six Nations
The State Must End Its Provocations Now
One Hundred Ontario First Nations Chiefs Support Six Nations
Update from Grand River

Are They Trying to Set Up a "Waco, Texas" Style Massacre?
Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy Press Release
Why Is the OPP Helping the U.S. "ATF" Spy on Six Nations?
What's "Windigo Psychosis"? Is ATF Mounting "Sitting Duck" Operation at Six Nations?

Justice for Six Nations, No to Annexation

ATF Off Six Nations Land and Out of Canada!

The police agencies of the U.S. government were caught redhanded interfering and instigating violence in Canada. They were caught by members of the Six Nations defending their struggle to reclaim their lands at their site near Caledonia, Ontario. On June 9, using a Border Patrol vehicle, equipped with surveillance equipment of various kinds, the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) was caught spying and trying to provoke violence and justify an all-out attack on the Six Nations.

Voice of Revolution vigorously denounces the presence of the ATF, Border Patrol and all U.S. police agencies in Canada. They have no business in Canada and are only present to increase repression and violence against the peoples. We demand that the government remove them now and end all interference against the Six Nations and the people of Canada.

The ATF in particular is well known as one of the most violent and brutal of the armed U.S. agencies. They were involved in attacks on civilians at Wounded Knee, on the Pine Ridge reservation in 1973, in Waco, Texas, 1993, in Philadelphia against the MOVE families, and many others. Their presence is designed to strike fear. Instead, it has further strengthened and steeled the Six Nations and all those standing in support of their reclamation efforts. It has also exposed U.S. efforts to annex Canada and dictate to the armed forces even at a provincial level, like that of the Ontario Provincial Police.

The evidence obtained by the Six Nations and made public shows that the ATF and U.S. police forces have been involved from the beginning of the reclamation battle, now more than 100 days old. In addition to direct interference, such as having the Border Patrol vehicle with ATF agents at the site, the ATF has been organizing the Ontario Provincial Police to carry out provocations and treat the Six Nations as terrorists and antagonistic enemies. U.S. police agencies are also likely behind the presence of the KKK and Nazis in the area. People in Buffalo have little doubt that Nazis and KKK brought to rally here June 10 were also instigated by government agents to cause trouble in Canada.

The open ATF interference also coincides with increased promotion by the government of the "threat" of "terrorism," in Buffalo and Toronto. The combination of government efforts to provoke and divide the peoples, using the ATF and the KKK and Nazis, and their claims of "increased terrorism on the border," makes clear U.S. government plans for more violence, more militarization of the border, more attacks on the people. The government is the source of violence and none of their claims about "terrorism" can hide this fact.

We urge Americans to join in demanding that the ATF and all U.S. policing agencies Get Off Six Nations lands and Get Out of Canada! We urge people to participate in the Six Nations Concert for Kanenhstaton (the Protected Place), at Chiefswood Park, Ontario, June 16. Go as organized groups to the concert and to the site to lend a hand to this important fight for rights and sovereignty, of the Six Nations and the people of Canada.

 Oppose Government Violence and Interference
Against Six Nations! No to Annexation! Yes to Sovereignty!



Fake "Attempted Murder" Charges Laid Against Six Nations Defenders

OPP Colludes With ATF "Wackos from Waco"

Flash! ATF agents, a U.S. Border Control vehicle, eye in the sky, encircling and victimizing the Indigenous people. It suddenly occurs to us that U.S. President George Bush might be testing his killing machine in Canada before he does it on his own people. He wants to make sure his network of spies, deportations and killings work out somewhere else first. We Indigenous people are the only ones publicly standing up to this. Everyone else has been scared into silence. It looks like he's got the cooperation of his puppet, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. People like us are dangerous to anyone with these kinds of designs. It might be too late for Canada. Bush's plan seems to already be in motion.

There are now warrants out for seven of our Six Nations men. One is even charged with "attempted murder." We didn't see any weapons or any premeditated criminal intent. The only people doing something they planned in advance were the OPP and ATF Border Patrol. The two incidents on Friday, June 12, 2006, were obviously orchestrated.

Everyone knows our people are not going out in the middle of the night into Caledonia to attack their hired "vigilantes" who are brought around quickly to the site to wave their professionally made "Bring in the army" signs. We are not going to the police lines to bother them. We are quietly standing ready to protect our people and our territory. Every human being has that right! Why are we being treated as an exception?

The story of our stopping the gray car from running us down and our capturing the ATF spies were in the mainstream media. What seems strange is that there is absolutely no embarrassment about the collusion with the U.S. Border Patrol, as if everyone should think it was normal for U.S. policing agents to have free rein on Canadian territory. Manipulated media presentations claim the U.S. Border Patrol vehicle was "swarmed," forgetting to mention the vehicle was trespassing. They say the vehicle was "stolen," forgetting to mention that it was being used in a reckless and illegal manner. In this day and age, when hosts are being made responsible for drunk drivers, why should it seem odd that the vehicle is taken away from drivers who are obviously behaving irresponsibly? The media did mention the vehicle was later returned. Since when has keeping somebody's property safe from misuse been deemed theft?

They know that whatever the public hears the first time is what they remember. By the time this goes to court, the charges will be changed because there are no witnesses or evidence. Look at Ipperwash. Ten years later they have an inquiry and the main OPP witnesses are mysteriously dead!

Even to the Confederacy chiefs, the reality is different. They are made to look like they are distancing themselves from it. Recent incidents are meant to prime the public so they will accept armed rule in Canada, starting with the invasion of our territory. Our men, if arrested, would be "prisoners of war" because they are defending our territorial jurisdiction as a result of intense orchestrated provocation by the enemy.

They want to shoot, kill and maim our people. They don't want to deal with the land or genocide issue. It's a trumped up murder charge that can't possibly stick. Our people have been here peacefully the whole time. They can't deal with us in peace. So they want to create a violent atmosphere which is the only way they know how to deal with us. They're totally lacking in imagination. They have no training in the methodology of peace. They're running around with weapons and only approach us in aggressive ways. We haven't heard so much as a public apology for the well-documented theft of our land, let alone a proposal that we get together and work out a viable solution.

The army does admit it's around because of the alleged presence of the KKK, skinheads and other provocateurs. They haven't admitted that they encouraged these people to come and have created a situation that is a magnet for unstable people prone to violence, with a little help from them. All the violent incidents have been provoked by these people. Not one of them has been charged. What gives? Why? They don't want Canadians to question why U.S. agents are being invited to conduct operations against people that Canada claims are their citizens. Do Canadians really want the "Wackos from Waco" in their presence? We caught them, for which we should be congratulated. Here we have two nations, Canada and the U.S., colluding against a third, the Six Nations. Grassroots Canadians, like grassroots Americans, do not want gang wars in the government. Yet the OPP is in shameless collusion with the elements in the American government that want to undermine democracy by using violence for control. Our warriors seem to be the only ones with the strength to stand up to this institutionalized hooliganism. Canadians seem to have forgotten what we have done for them.

It reminds us of 1813 at the Battle of Queenston Heights when 80 Mohawk warriors held off 2,500 Americans for three days. The British ran all the way to St. Catharines, while the Mohawks retook the guns at the Heights. This is a good example of why the Confederacy, prior to the American Revolution, refused to enter into the war on one side or the other. Even though we had people fighting on both sides, we would not fight against each other. The U.S. does not have any jurisdiction here. These two nations are related by blood but are not original nations on Turtle Island. They are transplants from Europe. Is British Prime Minister Tony Blair on his way here too? Is he sending in British commandos to make a third coalition? Is the U.S. preparing to invoke the Patriot Act and in Canada, martial law?

They are doing everything they can to provoke native people into falling into the terminology of "terrorist" under their "new world order" (Anglo-American empire). They want to be able to arrest us and put us in their secret prisons with no charges because they say we are dangerous. Wake up, Canadians and Americans! If you don't know your true history, you don't have a future!

The initial response by the U.S. Border Patrol and their original stated reasons for being here are false and ridiculous. The media spin is that they are here to learn from the OPP! Run that by us again! Who's had all the high tech toys? They said they were here just to "observe" how Canada is dealing with the protest. Then they will know what to do when they have the same situation in the U.S.! Next thing you know they'll probably offer to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to Ontario!

This is provocation by the U.S. with the help of Canadian control freaks. They did not expect the kind of reaction they got from our men, so swift, so thorough. The ATF exposed themselves! Who knows how long they've been here? Their purpose has come out, which is provocation.

They're making it look like there is reluctance and noticeable lack of leadership by the Ontario and Canadian governments. Is it deliberate?

This is the way they're thinking. Canada absolutely cannot afford to be just, to follow the rule of law, to abide by their constitution, to honor treaties and commitments, to apply human rights in this situation. If they recognize one Indigenous community, one nation or one territory, then there will be a flood of other Indigenous nations seeking the same justice. If they were to apply true justice, it would have a domino effect, which has already started. One move and they all fall. The only way they have ever dealt with such serious situations as this is by full violent force. Kill everyone! The ones who live, charge them and put them in jail. They are waiting for the right incident (another Batoche?). If it does not come along soon, they will make up one and then come in with the army and heavily armed law enforcement. This would be invading and attacking a peaceful foreign nation and a historic ally.

We will continue to act only in self defense. We are not going on the offensive. We have never been aggressors. But we will not hesitate to defend ourselves. Look at every single confrontation, when Indigenous land is involved, we fought only to defend ourselves. They know we will defend our land and our people.

In New York State at Moss Lake when we took back our territory in 1975, over a three-year period we were never the aggressors. We only protected and defended. We stood fast on that. In the end New York State saw that they could not justify the use of violent force. Instead there were 250 meetings with us within a three-year period to settle the land issue. Ganiengeh is a precedent. It's a model Indigenous community in upstate New York and a major employer of non-Indigenous people.

That is what has to happen at Six Nations. We will continue to protect. We are ready and willing to talk for a fair and just resolution. We cannot let these orchestrated incidents be played on us so we become the aggressors. The true aggressors will always be the colonizers. We still have no weapons, which is a last resort. We will always stand as a People. When Canada finally talks itself out of existence with its own words, we will still be here standing.

Any of our men will stand up head to head, man to man, without weapons, against any aggressor and we will prevail. That's what happened on Friday. That's why they've laid the exaggerated charge of attempted murder against one of our men. In the past we could stand unarmed against an army that is 100 percent trained, and with the latest weaponry. They will be forced to become murderers. The OPP, Quebec Police, RCMP, Special Ops and the Canadian army know this about us. That is why lately they have not actually shot unarmed men, women and children. That would not be self defense on their part. That would be murder. Canada is skating on thin ice. They are close to committing murder, as they've done in the past. But now the world is watching.

The cavalry fired on unarmed men, women and children at Wounded Knee in 1876. That is not man to man. They couldn't ever face the Lakota man to man. Just like Attica Prison where they shot and killed guards and prisoners like fish in a rain barrel. This could happen if they come in and committed murder because they're frightened, panicked and enraged. They could shoot everything that moves including their own, like Corporal Marcel Lemay of the Quebec Police who was shot by his own men in 1990.

That is their system. We must and will hold our ground. You, Canada, will have to murder us to change the ground. If you don't want to murder us, then you are welcome to come to the peace talks and work out a just resolution.


Justice for the Six Nations

The State Must End Its Provocations Now

The law enforcement agencies of the Canadian state are continuing to escalate their provocations against the Six Nations people and their land reclamation belying the words of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and others that they are interested in seeking a peaceful solution. All indications are they are preparing conditions to again launch an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), if not army, attack against the Six Nations and their land reclamation. This must not take place!

Since the evening of June 4, a series of provocations have been carried out against the Six Nations in a thinly disguised attempt to justify launching an all-out attack against them. How to deal with provocations against the peaceful defense of their sovereignty on Six Nations land has dominated the past week. Despite the long-standing and well-known fact that police forces across Canada, whether federal or provincial, must only enter First Nations lands at the invitation of the First Nations police, an OPP cruiser "got lost" in Six Nations territory on Sixth Line. Sixth Line coincidentally runs behind the Six Nations land reclamation site. The lost cruiser had a map of the area on its dash and one of the two OPP in the car. When asked they admitted they had been part of the force that invaded Six Nations land on April 20. The Six Nations police were called and the officers charged with trespassing and released.

This excuse was used by the OPP to close Argyle Street and out came the provocateurs with their signs demanding that the army be called in and issuing racist slurs against the Six Nations people. The setting fire of a barn on Six Nations land and a car set somewhere near a hydro transformer - both presented in the monopoly media to appear as if they were actions of the Six Nations - completed the evening. Once again, in the end, the Six Nations people maintained their peace and left the provocateurs, onlookers and police facing each other on an otherwise empty road.

Meanwhile the Hamilton -Spectator reported June 3 that the OPP has "launched numerous criminal investigations relating to the occupation of Douglas Creek Estates, including activities on an adjacent hydro right of way and the blockade of a rail line." It interviewed an OPP spokesperson who stated that charges could include "kidnapping, assault with a weapon, break, enter and theft, arson and mischief endangering human life." (It is of note that a rumor was spread in the Caledonia area when the OPP car was stopped on Six Nations land the night after this article appeared that two OPP officers had been "kidnapped.") While the last sentence of the Spectator article says that the OPP was "careful not to point the finger at any person or to identify the suspects as natives or non-natives," the entire article was used to suggest that the actions of the Six Nations people are "criminal" and to threaten them for their just and resolute stands in defense of their lands.

These threats against the Six Nations people follow on what appear to have been deliberately spread rumors at the time of the June 1 court appearance in Cayuga suggesting arrest warrants would be issued that day against Six Nations spokespeople in an apparent attempt to silence their voices in the court. These rumors were accompanied by a massive police presence around the Cayuga courthouse including a police escort for Justice David Marshall.

In the two days after the June 4 provocation, in the context of a motion passed in the Ontario legislature calling for an inquiry on the government's "handling" of the Six Nations land reclamation, Premier McGuinty stated in the legislature: "The party opposite would prefer that we direct a police action. Let's be honest about where they're coming from in this regard. That is their preference. We bring a different approach. It is thoughtful; it's based on our recent understanding of some painful lessons in the history of this province.... I prefer to be direct with Ontarians. Again, the Conservatives prefer that we direct the police and that we send them out on some kind of police action. We see things differently. They have not drawn the appropriate lessons from what happened some four years ago [at Ipperwash]. We have." In the face of continued provocations by the OPP one can ask whether the police are then acting without direction or what lesson McGuinty in fact drew from Ipperwash.

McGuinty also stated that he had spoken to Prime Minister Stephen Harper "about Caledonia" during a telephone conversation on the arrest of 12 men for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks. He said that his government would "continue to demonstrate 'patience and perseverance' saying that the prime minister and I talked specifically about this kind of approach. We are of one mind in that regard," he said. He did not address the obvious question of why he and the Prime Minister would discuss "Caledonia" in the context of a discussion on "terrorist attacks" in the first place.

Throughout the week of June 5-9 reports continued to air in the monopoly media about "criminal charges" being investigated. Reports on the situation in Caledonia were aired back to back with the appearances of the alleged terrorists arrested on June 2 in the Toronto area. Adding to this have been the calls by MP and Conservative Minister Diane Finley to have the OPP again invade the land reclamation. She stated in a letter to constituents: "I continue to strongly urge the provincial government, which is responsible for all matters relating to policing, to clear the protest site so that our community can return to normalcy."

The media further reported OPP "rank-and-file" complaints that their safety had been endangered by not being allowed to wear riot gear while policing in Caledonia and an internal OPP meeting was arranged in town to discuss this.

Then on June 9 two incidents took place that have every appearance of being a setup aimed at creating a pretext for police to enter the land reclamation site. The first incident involved racist harassment of Six Nations people on the site followed by provocations by the monopoly media which led to an altercation.

In the second a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle was spotted near the reclamation site with high powered surveillance equipment in it and followed by Six Nations people to the back of the site. When the Six Nations people questioned the OPP why U.S. agents were photographing people at the reclamation site they at first tried to pass off that the agent was just visiting friends in the neighborhood and was taking pictures "kinda like a tourist." When questioned further as to why there were OPP officers in the car they said the agent had been invited in by the OPP. Two days later the OPP are quoted in the monopoly media with the explanation that "Often, police officials work together and share information, and that group was here observing how we were using our police resources during this incident." The deputy OPP commissioner further admitted that "... some of these people that we're seeking warrants for (in charges related to the two incidents) are not from this area and I don't know if they're still in the area."

Shortly after this incident reports surfaced briefly in the media that some sort of illegal alcohol and cigarettes had been found on the site and a large OPP presence, up to 1,000 officers, was reported in the area.

Ontario Superior Court Justice Marshall in his June 1 hearing to determine why the OPP had not enforced his illegal injunction against the Six Nations land reclamation adjourned the court to June 16. He stated that he will call on both the federal Attorney General and the Minister of Indian Affairs to become involved by calling them to a "case conference."

In addition to these specific incidents the Six Nations people on the land reclamation are facing incessant surveillance. Spokespeople report army helicopters and others flying overhead all hours of the day and night; including hovering overhead between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning with their ights off, and then on occasion, shining high powered lights down onto the people on the site.

In the face of the continued provocations against the just struggle of the Six Nations people and the persistence of the state and the monopoly media in treating this as a law and order matter, the Canadian people must maintain their vigilance and step up their expressions of support for the Six Nations peoples.



One Hundred Ontario First Nations Chiefs Support Six Nations

On June 8, First Nations Chiefs from across Ontario who were participating in a conference on the Six Nations reserve at their host's invitation visited the land reclamation site to bring the support of the First Nations people from across Ontario. Their visit was made on the 99th day of the reclamation. The chiefs arrived in two buses. After a sacred tobacco ceremony and gathering on the site the chiefs where led across the site by a color party of flag bearers and participated in a press conference near the front entrance to the site.

"We are all one nation across this country," Grand Council Chief John Beaucage, who represents 43 First Nations across the province, told reporters. "We will show support for each other and will come to each other's aid."

"We're here to show our unequivocal support for the people of Six Nations," said Chief Wilfred King of the Gull Bay First Nation, 90 minutes north of Thunder Bay." Their battle is our battle and our battle is their battle," he added.

Chief Shining Turtle of the Whitefish River nation, an hour southwest of Sudbury, said he came to "smoke the pipe with our people." The Whitefish River nation is seeking compensation for land that was expropriated when the province built a highway through their territory in the 1980s.



Update from Grand River

Today has been a day of unrest at the land reclamation site. While we won't go into great detail on what has happened today as a press release is being prepared, let us say that the intimidation tactics and pressure from the outside has been worked up to the point that 1,000 OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) officers are being dispatched to the area surrounding the reclamation site. Caledonia residents are up in arms, demanding the removal of our people from the site. They are even going so far as to set up a barricade on the recently opened Plank Road (Argyle Street) leading into Caledonia.

The intimidation tactics leading up to today were constant, including army helicopters and others flying overhead all hours of the day and night. They hovered overhead between 2 and 4 in the morning with their lights off and their night vision on, and then on occasion, shining high powered lights down onto the people on the site. (This is all the same as their tactics in Oka in 1990.)

We are being faced daily with people driving by, hollering racial remarks including "go home you f'n Indians," "get a job," "you're gonna die" etc. Garbage is being thrown at us. Besides the "flipping of the bird", there have been times where firecrackers are being thrown out the car windows toward us. These incidents, however, are not investigated by the OPP because "they are not breaking any laws." (See "Rocks at Whisky Trench," National Film Board.) (What about hate laws, human rights and racial discrimination?)

Today a United States Border Patrol vehicle was retrieved with high-powered surveillance equipment in it. The first story from the OPP was that the "ATF officer" was just visiting friends in the neighborhood and taking pictures "kinda like a tourist." (Right! With a high tech surveillance van? He left the family car at home?) He was spotted just down from the frontline barricade. We followed them to the back door of the reclamation site. Later we questioned what the United States ATF was doing snooping around taking pictures of us with the OPP riding in the back with them. They changed the story saying that they had been invited in by the OPP. (Why? Was the OPP getting lonely looking at each other? Did they need more maniacs to make themselves feel more comfortable?) What were they doing here? What is their mandate? The OPP refused to tell us why these people have gotten high government official clearance to be so far out of their jurisdiction. An OPP officer was hospitalized as a result of this incident. A CHTV newsperson/cameraman had to get stitches as a result of a previous run-in with our people. (CHTV 11 not only reports the news, they "create" the news.)

This situation is not good. (All reports from CHTV 11 are anti-Indigenous.)

The incidents of today are a direct result of the constant intimidation tactics of the OPP, the military and the continued racist acts instigated against us by the Caledonia people (with their professionally made "Bring in the Army" signs always in their car trunks, just in case the cameras are there). Other strategies are the recent blocking of our children from using the arena for lacrosse games and the back tracking by the Ontario government at the "talks." This is supposed to push everything up to the ultimate goal of Canada and Ontario. They want to justify stopping the talks about returning our lands to us. At our fire tonight, we realized that Canada does not want to deal with the Onkwehonweh people because they know we are absolutely right in our position on the land, our sovereignty and upholding our Law.

This violence today occurred as a result of the underhanded and direct attempts at inciting an action from us to justify another attack against us. They want to make it look like we are uncontrollable. Why else have they been playing the "terrorists in Canada in court in Brampton" back to back with the "Six Nations land reclamation in Caledonia" on all the news stations? Canada, with the help of corporate media, is making sure the mental brainwashing of its citizens against the Onkwehonweh continues. (Across Canada people are not buying this corporate brainwashing.)

How convenient that CHTV 11 was there even before this all started! How coincidently that the couple who sparked the violence with their racial attacks and their attempt to run over our people, drove straight to the Canadian Tire parking lot! How convenient that a "by-stander" happened to have a video camera across the road at the Tim Horton's coffee shop video taping the whole scene (with a Boston Cream donut in the other hand). He directly reported to CHML radio, which happens to be co-owned by CHTV 11. Was it a co-incidence? Or were they already on standby knowing that a story was about to break. (Another high-priced promotion failed!)

It is unfortunate that our people fell for it. (Our guys are the only ones legally here.) The reality is, we are dealing with the constant mental, emotional and physical intimidation of the corrupt bureaucrats. Also, we face racial violence constantly. Does anyone know for sure how they could react in the same situation?

The potential for violence against us here in the next while is tremendous. (Expect this to happen. This is their "bad act" and no one's buying any tickets for it!) The Caledonia people want to take us off our land. The OPP are maintaining a line between the Caledonia residents and the reclamation site. (Just like the people in Chateauguay in 1990. See "Act of Defiance" by the National Film Board.) We don't know how long this is going to last. Our people are on alert. We are on the site unarmed. We are trying to maintain the peace. We are keeping the people within the inner perimeter. We will continue to forward updates. Please forward to others. Stay Strong and Keep the Peace.


Are They Trying to Set Up a “Waco, Texas” Style Massacre?Six Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy Press Release

June 11, 2006 — The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have issued arrest warrants for seven people from the Six Nations Reclamation site. Charges include attempted murder, robbery, intimidation and causing bodily harm.

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy deliberated this issue during Council on Saturday June 10, 2006. The individuals involved in these incidents were brought before the Confederacy Chiefs and Clan Mothers, on Sunday, June 11, 2006, to discuss and understand the incidents. The Confederacy Chiefs and Clan Mothers spoke with these individuals about the Great Law of Peace and how it is to guide our actions. Our investigation is continuing. It was decided that for the safety of all involved, these individuals would be removed from the site until our investigation is complete. We are working with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Six Nations Police to ensure the safety of all people within our respective jurisdictions.

Our investigation has indicated the “Border Security” vehicle being driven by the “police officer” was actually an Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm (ATF) vehicle from the United States of America. Two officers in the vehicle were from the U.S. accompanied by an officer with the Ontario Provincial Police. We have found evidence that indicates these officers were in the area since April 2, 2006 assisting in the current policing of the occupation of the Six Nations Reclamation site. This is particularly concerning due to the reputation of the ATF. The Haudenosaunee are dismayed that the OPP gave permission to these officers from the U. S. to assist in this situation without any prior communication to our people, this has incited an already tense situation. We are working with the Ontario Provincial Police to clarify this situation.

The Haudenosaunee has legally binding treaties with the Crown. The Two Row Wampum belt and the Silver Covenant Chain affirms the parameters of the relationship between our two governments. These treaties acknowledge the Sovereignty of our people and Nation. The Silver Covenant Chain speaks of a relationship between our two governments based upon Respect, Peace and Friendship. To have a good strong Friendship, there needs to be a commitment to exercise “Kanikonriio” that is the “Good Mind” which means equality, justice, and the commitment to help each other in times of need. The Two Row Wampum Belt identifies the nation to nation basis which our peoples are to deal with. The Two Row Wampum Belt depicts our governments operating within our own “canoes.” This means that each of our respective governments will continue to operate under their own laws and will not interfere with the affairs of the other governments.

Under our treaties the only issues which fall under the Crown’s jurisdiction are Murder, Rape and Theft. According to the Treaty of Fort Albany made with the Crown there is an extradition process which must be followed in order to address any of these three issues.

Our people follow the Great Law of Peace and are not a people of violence. The Haudenosaunee are committed to ensuring that the Great Law of Peace is respected and followed at the Reclamation Site.


Why Is the OPP Helping the U.S. "ATF" Spy on Six Nations?

It was reported that Canadian Prime Minister Harper allegedly said on television about the 102 day Six Nations-Caledonia situation, "The protesters are either going to kill the Indigenous people or the Indigenous people are going to kill the protesters!" (He hopes?) What does he mean? Indian Affairs Duncan Campbell Scott's 100-year plan was to turn all the settlers against the Indians and eliminate the "Indian problem" for good, completing their theft of Turtle Island.

Is this why the Canadian government has invited the lethal American ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) onto Six Nations? Why now, of all times, when the Americans are closing their borders to ordinary Canadian? Why is Canada inviting covert American operatives to spy on Six Nations? The ATF went to Waco, Texas and on April 19, 1993, surrounded a community of fundamentalists and attacked and killed 63 people, among them many children. Cameramen and reporters happened to be there at the ready to videotape the carnage that followed. They say the attack began when an ATF agent accidentally shot himself in the foot. Noxious and flammable tear gas fortified with kerosene was thrown into the Branch Davidian compound, as armored vehicles rolled in. The compound burst into flames and the ATF with their M60 tanks smashed everything down. The FBI and the U.S. Army came in afterwards to destroy the evidence that the ATF left behind. Two years later on April 19, 1995, the ATF offices were blown up in Oklahoma City killing over 685 people.

More and more people are beginning to suspect that the U.S. government is being torn apart by internal gang wars. If this theory is true, the ATF is in the thick of it. This is one of the oldest and most lethal agencies involved in covert operations against citizens. Canadians have always tried to steer clear of the fanatical fringes of American society. This is one of the main reasons why the Canadians have never joined the United States and have remained separate, north of the border.

The Americans have tried to invade Canada many times before and the Six Nations were always there as staunch allies. Since becoming independent from Britain, Canadians seem to be forgetting their history. They're being dragged deeper into the maelstrom of U.S. power politics. Strange things are happening these days. Suddenly we're not allowed to go south of the border unless we have passports. But the OPP and other Canadian agencies are helping Americans to spy on us. What gives? Who is this show time for right now?


What's "Windigo Psychosis"? Is ATF Mounting "Sitting Duck" Operation at Six Nations?

Is the ATF helping Canada with the "sitting duck" formation based on the "Mai Lai massacre" strategy of 1968? Are they going to surround us and do us in?

Rumor has it that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said, "The protesters are either going to kill the Indigenous people, or the Indigenous people are going to kill the protesters." We don't know if the Canadian Prime Minister made this irresponsible statement or not. We will comment on it because a lot of people believe he did. This statement, if true, is a big problem for the people of Caledonia. It means their elected head of state has abdicated his responsibility to protect and represent them. Also, Canada has an historical alliance with the Six Nations people. If Harper said these words, it is tantamount to a declaration of war against a traditional ally. We are not going to respond to it as such.

We firmly believe that this does not represent the will of the Canadian people. A state is supposed to help people get along together and to help them get organized so that everyone benefits. Canada has 'officially' endorsed the principle of human equality. Mr. Harper was raised in Alberta on Blackfoot territory. He's come East to Rotino'shon:ni and Algonquin territory and he doesn't understand anything about us. This sets him up to be ill advised by the RCMP, Indian Affairs and CSIS bureaucrats. These agents are struggling to maintain their illicit jobs. Harper seems to be using these people as his advisors. If they wanted to keep peace in the Six Nations-Caledonia region and understood how to do it, we wouldn't be having these potent problems today.

We repeat our invitation to Mr. Harper and the Governor General Michaelle Jean, if she can be found wherever she is in the world, to come and talk to us.

From our perspective equality is something that colonial society has trouble understanding. The principle was only formally recognized in the Canadian constitution only 24 years ago. Thinking equally does not come naturally to Canadians the way it does to us Rotino'shon:ni. Some people even think that the Caledonia situation will be resolved if the Six Nations people start "obeying their chiefs." It's obvious they don't understand that we don't have a word for "chief." Our Royaner who are often called chiefs are only voices for the people. They cannot make decisions or state their own opinions. Obviously Mr. Harper is not well advised because he does not seem to understand this.

We question why would Mr. Harper, as a member of a minority government, sell out his own voters? Why would he sell out Canada's allies?

Why are U.S. Border Patrol and ATF operatives being invited to invade Canada? What is happening here? We don't understand. Canadians don't either. The Americans suffer from what is called the "Windigo Psychosis." That's because they're cut off from their roots, and are like the Indigenous mythical "Windigo." They are the ghosts with a heart of ice who died of famine because they wanted to eat everything in sight. They have an insatiable hunger which knows no bounds. When they see something, they feel they have to own it. They do not let anyone else have anything. It's a serious illness that feeds on a spiritual void. Canada is presently in an incipient stage of the "Windigo Psychosis."

Americans had no business going into Vietnam without being invited. No part of the Vietnamese population wanted them there. The Americans continuously bombed and shelled the province. Most homes were damaged or destroyed of the people they were pretending to save. They wanted to eliminate their fighters (warriors). Success was not based on how much territory they acquired but by the body count, which was exaggerated. On March 16, 1968, in "May Lai," the U.S. soldiers surrounded the people, and started to kill everybody to totally exterminate them. Sixty-eight died, mostly women and children. When they did this, they were unchained from the morality of human feeling.

We at Six Nations are civilians. Even though we are surrounded by armed forces, we have never pointed guns at the Canadians. We are being constantly subjected to harassment and reprisals being instigated by a state that is twisting the facts to try to get its citizens to attack us. They are organizing the Ontario Provincial Police OPP, now with the help of the ATF, to make us fight back. The ultimate goal is to crush us.

Who invited the ATF into Canada anyway? When did Canadian policy change? Since the birth of Canada Canadians have been defending themselves from American invasions. Now all of a sudden state institutions are inviting the Americans to invade. If we had invited the Americans, we would have escorted them onto our territory as visitors from a foreign nation and had a chat with them. We would not be skulking around and hiding in the back seat of foreign cars.

So what is going on? Our security forces are conducting a proper investigation of this bizarre and disturbing incident. The ATF were driving a Tahoe with "U.S. Border Patrol" (or was it "Sshh! Don't tell") written on the side. The roof was loaded with high tech communications and every kind of surveillance gear.

Our national security was breached. We could have held them prisoner, but we did not. We questioned them. We found out they were not "tourists." They were here on official business. Not long after we let them go, the skies became inundated with choppers that flew close to us night and day. Some had their lights turned off and some had no mufflers. Some shone hot bright lights on us.

Was this a show of force to intimidate us because we had captured someone they thought was important? We did not beat them up. The OPP officer that was riding in the back of the U.S. vehicle got hurt because he was trying to jump off while the car was moving. He fell and hurt himself. Why was this guy panicking? Was he afraid of being caught red handed, violating our sovereignty and Canada's agreements with us? The OPP saw too many movies. It's obvious this guy wasn't a trained stunt man. In the movies he would have jumped out, rolled over and landed on his feet, with his gun in his hand and a steely gaze, like Clint Eastwood. Instead he ended up in a crazy 'Cheech and Chong' botch-up.

The Caledonians shut down Argyle Street because they're mad at the OPP, and they certainly don't want to get blamed for the foolishness of cops and government officials, no matter what Harper says. There's no doubt about it, this is an international incident. Canada and the U.S. are invading our territory.

ATF was brought up here by Canada or sent up here by U.S. President George Bush. What was the mission? Why all the photos of the territory, the people and the lay of the land? It's just not U.S. business! Are they helping Canada to design a Waco Texas style attack? Are they gathering intelligence and giving the Canadians pointers, "This is how it's done, boys!" They know how many people, men, women and children, are here, how big the encampment is and that we are unarmed.

In the incident last Friday, the men at the site remained in control. They told the intruders in the gray car to move. When they asked the occupants who were shouting racist slurs to leave, the hooligans tried to run over our men. If anyone is attacked with rocks, we have a right to defend ourselves with rocks. If we are attacked with sticks, we may defend ourselves with sticks. If we are attacked with guns, then Canada is the criminal and we have a right to defend ourselves. The law of self-defense is straightforward. We are allowed to use equal force. If we are attacked with a gun or knife, we are supposed to be able to meet force with force. Every person and every community has the power to defend our home, our person and our family. If a woman is assaulted she can rip the assailant's eyes out, if that's what it takes. This principle is universally recognized.

As for the photos being taken by the ATF, is this to superimpose us on some made up photos to incriminate us? These guys are so off-the-wall, who knows what they're doing? Or are they going to superimpose us in one of those balloon baskets like they used in "Around the World in 80 days" or in "Monte Python's Flying Circus"? Are they trying to single out certain people? If they find a Johnny Depp look alike at Six Nations, are they going to Hollywood to arrest the 'Pirate of the Caribbean'? Are the OPP working with the "Secret Ops" from Washington DC to design an international invasion onto our Kaianereh'ho:wa territory? Isn't Canada being suckered here?

In 1812, the Mohawks worked with British forces to keep the Americans out. The Americans have found a sneakier way to invade Canada this time. They're pretending to help Canadians fight us! When the dust settles, Canadians will find they've lost not only their shirts, but also whatever tattered remnants of their so-called sovereignty they've managed to cling to.

Faced with the Six Nations legitimate claim, Canada has dashed into a corner. Instead of facing up to the problems from the past they've inherited, they've gone and barricaded themselves in a psychological corner. We've always been out front. We've always been ready to meet people face to face as equals. We've always been able to sit down with clear eyes, ears and to speak clear words so we can reach an intelligent understanding. We've never really understood this hysterical response of colonial society. They seem to be scared by their own reflection in the mirror.

They have no choice legally but to make amends about the theft of our lands. They don't seem to be able to face up to it. Like an overtired 2-year old having a temper tantrum because they don't want to go to bed, they are striking at us in an irrational way. With everyone watching, they are creating havoc. Instead of grabbing this opportunity to make things right, so there can be a strong future, they're creating disruptions. At this rate it could take several generations more to solve the problem that should be relatively straightforward -- just obey the laws and give us back our lands, Canada! They are making it look to the world as if they want to defend their genocidal practices of past colonial governments. Why are they defending these raving madmen, some of whom have been dead for half a century or more?

They seem to be under a trance. Many of their ancestors immigrated to our land under a "big lie." They were told that this was an "empty land," even though they saw us. They just somehow couldn't put two and two together. Now it's obvious to everyone that their math and their vision were bad. They want to continue with their policy, which is still genocide of the past, present and future. According to their plan, we should not be here today, at least not according to Canada and the United States. The order was given to exterminate all Indigenous people off Turtle Island and beyond. The colonists called it "the land of the free" because they never paid. They couldn't because it was never for sale. They don't mean the people are free. They're referring to the theft of our land. Us resisting and standing firm reminds them of this. So they're going nuts! There's got to be a way to stop their genocide policy. Who likes this? Who wants to continue to live with this? If you want Canada and the United States to start treating Indigenous people decently as human equals, let's hear from you. We need some action to stop these attacks on us.


Voice of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization

USMLO • 3942 N. Central Ave. • Chicago, IL 60634