No to US Dictate at UN
Defend the Rights to Sovereignty and Resistance

Resistance is Not Terrorism
Defend Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine! No to U.S.-Israeli Crimes!

No to US Dictate at UN

Defend the Rights to Sovereignty and Resistance

The U.S.-imposed draft resolution on Lebanon is a recipe for more war and attacks on the rights of the people. The resolution under discussion at the United Nations Security Council is aimed at imposing another Israeli occupation in Lebanon while also crushing the resistance. There is no demand in the resolution for an Israel withdrawal from Lebanon. There is no requirement for Israel to release the many thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners, many of them women and children. There is not even a requirement for Israel to stop its aggression. Instead, Israel is only called on to stop "all offensive military operations," while Hizbollah is required to stop "all attacks." The entire U.S.-Israeli war has been waged under the banner of "self-defense," or defensive actions! What is needed is an unconditional ceasefire now and immediate Israeli withdrawal.

This draft resolution enshrines U.S.-Israeli impunity, while making it illegal for Hizbollah and the Lebanese people to resist. In this manner it is designed to eliminate a main principle on which the UN is based, which is the right of occupied peoples to resist and throw out their occupiers. It also ensures that any UN-armed force sent in to Lebanon will not assist the people of Lebanon, as it is based on sanctioning the Israeli occupation and aggression.

President George W. Bush is insisting on this content and refusing to end U.S. backing and funding of Israel. Instead the U.S. continues to send more supplies of bombs and jet-fuel. These weapons include illegal depleted uranium munitions and cluster bombs, both repeatedly being used against civilians.

The U.S. is also maneuvering with France, a former colonial power in Lebanon, to neutralize opposition to its dictate while still securing the ability to act with impunity. It is insisting that the main target of the resolution be the resistance of the Lebanese peoples, while making U.S.-Israeli crimes "legal."

It is precisely this impunity of the U.S. and Israel that must be blocked. A UN resolution that sanctions impunity and opposes resistance stands directly against the rights of the people and the UN charter itself. It will solve no problem.

It is the people of Lebanon, waging fierce resistance to defend their rights that is serving as a block to U.S.-Israeli impunity, standing against their crimes against the peace and crimes against humanity. By defending their sovereignty, and insisting that it be respected, by Israel, the U.S. and the UN, they are contributing to the cause of peace and security for the peoples.

It is the resistance of the Lebanese and Palestinians and worldwide support for it that is striking terror in the hearts of the U.S. imperialists and fully revealing both their desperation and their brutality. It shows that it is U.S. imperialism that must end, that it is imperialist war and aggression that must end, and that the resistance is contributing to this necessity.

Yet more war and aggression solves no problem and only intensifies the dangers facing all humanity. The fierce struggles of the peoples to defend their rights, in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, here in the U.S. is opening a way forward. It is urgent for all Americans to defend the right to sovereignty worldwide, support the resistance of the peoples and step up the resistance here in the U.S. The U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization salutes all those taking action today and for the past several weeks and calls on all to carry forward in the months ahead to strengthen the people's forces.

Build Resistance by Defending Rights!

Resistance is Not Terrorism

Defend Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine!
No to U.S.-Israeli Crimes!

Demonstrations to defend the resistance movements in Lebanon and Palestine and oppose U.S.-Israeli crimes are being carried out today, August 12, in Washington, DC, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The broad anger among the people is being focused on opposing the role of the U.S., which is guaranteeing that these crimes against humanity continue.

Bush has emphasized that “the peace we want” is one where there is no resistance, only submission and humiliation of the peoples. We say No! We say Unconditional Ceasefire Now! Today’s demonstrations server to step up resistance here in the U.S. and as part of defending resistance to U.S. aggression and genocide worldwide.

The government and monopoly media are trying to paralyze the people by branding the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine as terrorist. They are trying to cause doubt by painting Israel as the victim, struggling to “defend itself” from terrorists — a “victim” engaged in massive bombings to destroy Lebanon and Palestine and massacre civilians. Just as Bush still tries to utilize September 11 to paint the U.S. as a victim, “defending itself” by waging war against Afghanistan and Iraq, so too with Israel. The U.S. and Israel are carrying out aggression. Experience shows that aggression is not self-defense, it is state terrorism. Occupation is not liberation. Resistance is not terrorism — it is the defense of the peoples’ rights. The just cause of the Lebanese and Palestinians belongs to us all.

The experience of Americans, in the U.S. and with the war in Iraq, shows that the U.S. is the source of terrorism. The U.S. is threatening a broader war in the Middle East and world war. The U.S. is the block to progress. Resistance, in the U.S., in Lebanon and Palestine, in Iraq and worldwide, is what stands as a block to this U.S. path of fascism and war.

Let Us Together Step Up the Organized Resistance!


Voice of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization

USMLO • 3942 N. Central Ave. • Chicago, IL 60634