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Salute 1953 Victory of the Korean People July 27 marked the 57th Anniversary of the great victory of the Korean people against the U.S. in the Korean War. The war, instigated by the U.S. in 1950, using a pretext that north Korea had “invaded” south Korea, was an attempt by the U.S. to seize control of the entire peninsula. The U.S. was defeated and forced to sign on Armistice Agreement July 27 1953. The victory showed the strength of a people united in struggle for their right to be, to chart their own course as a sovereign people. It also demonstrated the value and necessity of strong leadership, determined to defend the honor and dignity of the Korean people. Voice of Revolution joins all Koreans in saluting this great victory and in contributing then and now to the cause of peace and progress. U.S. imperialism committed untold crimes during the war. These included many civilian massacres, use of chemical weapons and carpet bombings of the north in an effort to reduce it to rubble. Far from paying reparations and working to restore peace and stability, the U.S. occupied south Korea. And now today U.S. imperialism is showing its rabid spirit of revenge against the Koreans, threatening yet another war against her. President Barack Obama has said, “All options are on the table” including a nuclear first strike. Yet more sanctions have been leveled. And every effort is being made to yet again find a pretext for war. During their recent trip to Korea, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates both threatened Korea. They did so standing at the Demilitarized Zone, in the building where the U.S. and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) signed the Armistice Agreement in 1953. But do they use the opportunity to speak of signing a peace treaty, as called for by the DPRK and Koreans north and south? Do they attempt to extend a hand of friendship and reconciliation? Far from it, they use the opportunity to express their rabid revenge and war mongering. Gates said the visit was intended “to send a strong signal to the North, to the region and to the world that our commitment to South Korea’s security is steadfast.” He added, “In fact, our military alliance has never been stronger and should deter any potential aggressor.” Then together they announced new sanctions against the DPRK. And they declared that the largest U.S.-south Korean war exercises would commence on July 25 and continue for four days, coinciding with the anniversary of the date the U.S. was forced to sign the armistice with the DPRK 57 years ago. The U.S. is hell bent on creating pretexts to perpetuate instability and instigate war in Asia. It is refusing to sort out the crisis it created with the fabrication of the lie that the DPRK sank the Cheonan warship — a lie the UN refused to substantiate and which is challenged by south Koreans, China, Russia and others. It is also the U.S. that has threatened nuclear war, branding both Iran and the DPRK as targets. Instead of striving to engender a calm atmosphere, the U.S. is creating an even greater crisis by holding massive joint military exercises with south Korea in an attempt to isolate the DPRK. These war preparations are also on China’s doorstep and involve Japan. U.S. war preparations are a crime against the peace and its continued threats and provocations are serving its war plans, not peace. The principled stand of the DPRK in defense of its sovereignty and independence and its determination to continue defending the dignity and honor of the Korean nation and China’s protests against the U.S. war games have forced the U.S. to back-peddle somewhat. But it is continuing its provocative path, as statements by Clinton and Gates show. Voice of Revolution denounces the U.S. provocations and crimes against the peace. We demand that the U.S. remove all U.S. troops and weapons from Korea and that the U.S. sign a permanent peace treaty with the DPRK. The U.S. would do well to accept the verdict of history that it will not win, just as it was defeated in Vietnam and today cannot win in Iraq or Afghanistan. Despite the peoples’ verdict, U.S. imperialism is desperate to hold onto its dream of world domination. It is going the opposite way, rejecting peace and pushing adventurism to more dangerous and alarming heights. The U.S. must not be permitted to rain death and destruction on the Korean people as they did during the Korean War. Let all those opposing U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rejecting war against Iran and defending Palestine stand as one against U.S. war against Korea. Let all those across the country demanding an end to all U.S. wars and aggression be vigilant against any pretext given to launch war against Korea. Defend the rights of Koreans and all peoples to resist U.S. aggression. The danger is U.S. imperialist aggression and wars! Hands Off Korea!
[TOP] Pyongyang Meeting Marks 57th Anniversary A national meeting was held at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium July 26 to mark the 57th anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) victory in the Korean War, also known as the great Fatherland Liberation War. In attendance at the meeting were senior officials of the Workers’ Party of Korea, state officials, representatives of public institutions, war veterans and other distinguished service people of the Korean People’s Army (KPA), officials from the fields of culture, education, arts, public health and media, the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front, and many others. During the hard fought three-year war, the Korean people and their army defended the country and its sovereignty from the U.S.-led imperialist forces that had instigated the war under the cover of the United Nations (UN). The Korean people shattered the myth of the “mightiness” of the U.S. imperialists — who still today boast of being the “strongest” in the world — and handed them their first defeat of the modern era. KPA Vice Marshal Kim Yong Chun, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission and minister of the People’s Armed Forces, delivered a report at the meeting which pointed out that the Korean victory was an outstanding one in the history of modern war. The success was attributed to the military ideas and strategy based on the Juche idea (self-reliance), the audacity and outstanding leadership of President Kim Il Sung. This victory defended the DPRK and the gains of the revolution, frustrating the moves of the U.S. imperialists for a new world war and protecting the security and peace of humanity, the report noted. The report also pointed out how the legendary feats of President Kim Il Sung and his victorious tradition and outlook have been carried forward to imbue generation after generation with the outstanding revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il. The report noted how Kim Jong Il made a scientific analysis of the international environment and the rapidly changing situation of the Korean revolution at a time when a dire situation was facing the DPRK and the Korean nation. On this basis, he enforced Songun politics in all fields on a new, higher level, which calls for giving priority to military affairs and regarding revolutionary armed forces as main forces in the socialist nation-building project, thereby providing a firm political and military guarantee for final victory in the confrontation with the U.S. The report expressed utmost confidence in the leadership of the DPRK, saying that the unity of the people and their leadership make them invincible. The U.S. should realize that its war of aggression like the Korean War it started on June 25, 1950 is bound to end in the victory of Songun Korea just as it ended in the victory of the Korean people on July 27, 1953, said the report. The DPRK will further bolster its nuclear deterrence in a new advanced manner to cope with the increasing nuclear threat of the U.S. This is a legitimate sovereign right of the DPRK and a mode of merciless counteraction of its revolutionary armed forces as they have always emerged victorious in the fight against the enemies, the report stated. Should the U.S. imperialists and the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors finally ignite a new war of aggression in Korea despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, it will mobilize the tremendous military potential including its nuclear deterrence for self-defense and thus wipe out the aggressors and their strongholds, the report said. By doing so it will clearly show what a real war will look like and completely eradicate the root cause of war, the report affirmed. (Korean Central News Agency)
[TOP] South Koreans Demand Truth In south Korea, there is widespread mistrust of the government’s joint military-civilian investigation group (JIG) and its explanation into the sinking of the warship Cheonan, as well as opposition to using the results of the “investigation” as a pretext for war. Many reports in the media point to evidence that is not explained by the investigation. The results of the “investigation” have not yet been released to the public, except for a short five-page summary. The caliber of the report is such that when the team concluded its work, it was shamelessly characterized by one of its authors as a work of “scientific imagination.” On July 20, the South Headquarters of the Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (BomMinRyon) issued a statement that affirmed its determination to find out the truth about the sinking of the Cheonan. The statement referred to a report issued by the south Korean organization People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) which pointed out that the Ministry of National Defense’s assertion about the size and name of a submarine that allegedly attacked the warship Cheonan and its movements contradicts the “joint investigation team” which reported on May 20. The south Korean Media Verification Committee to Probe the Truth of the Warship Cheonan also confirmed that the point of explosion announced by the JIG was wrong. As a result, doubts about the case of the warship sinking are increasing day by day, the statement noted. The “crucial evidence” produced by the authorities to put the blame for the case at the door of the DPRK turned out to be a “crucial fabrication,” it stated. The Alliance gave the view that the Lee Myung Bak regime, which failed to win recognition for its anti-DPRK accusations on the international stage, is getting frantic in staging war exercises against the DPRK. The Lee regime has spurned the possibility of an inter-Korean joint investigation and refused to apologize for its accusations. Meanwhile, PSPD has been criminalized for its work to ensure an atmosphere of calm and restraint prevails in region by opposing the falsehoods of the “joint investigation group.” Voice of Revolution is posting below a July 21 open letter from PSPD that explains the situation. * * * Dear Friends, Human Rights Defenders and Peace Activists People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), a watchdog NGO in South Korea established in 1994, urgently appeals to the international community for support and solidarity. PSPD has been oppressed and threatened by the Lee Myung Bak government. PSPD sent a report “rt “PSPD’s Stance on the Final Investigation Report on the Cheonan” to the members of the UN Security Council on June 11, 2010. The report raised questions, which still need answers and clarifications, on the government investigation result and called upon the UN Security Council to make a decision heavily prioritizing peace on the Korean Peninsula. As all of you are well aware, NGOs’ consultation and communication with the UN is a right stated in the UN Charter, and NGOs like everyone are free to exert fundamental rights such as the freedom of opinion and expression. However, the Lee Myung Bak government is accusing PSPD of being unpatriotic and that PSPD’s report is “against national interests and security.” It is also arguing that PSPD’s letter to the UN Security Council aids the enemy, North Korea, which denies its involvement in the Cheonan incident. In addition, it fallaciously asserts that it is out of the ordinary for an NGO to hold a position contrary to its government. Right after official accusations from the government, on June 16, 2010, the Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation into whether PSPD violated the National Security Law, which the UN had recommended be abolished, and into whether sending a report to the UN Security Council is defamation under Korean criminal law. Accordingly, the Prosecutor’s Office plans interrogations of PSPD staff members. The Blue House (the presidential house of the Republic of Korea), the Prime Minister, and the Grand National Party’s (the current ruling party of the ROK) floor leader, among others, officially denounced PSPD as indicated below. On June 15, 2010, the Grand National Party Spokesperson, Hae Jin Cho stated, “PSPD’s behavior is a typical enemy-benefiting behavior... Harsh constitutional measures must be imposed on those who try to sell/betray the country while hiding behind the banner of freedom and democracy.” On June 15, 2010, the Grand National Party’s floor leader, Moo Sung Kim stated, “I think that [such behavior] is enemy-benefiting behavior that threatens the identity of the Republic of Korea and injures our national security... Even though South Korea is a democratic country guaranteeing freedom of expression, I cannot tolerate such irresponsible, pro-DPRK conduct benefiting the enemy... PSPD should voluntarily dissolve… [PSPD] must pay the price.” On June 14, 2010, the spokesperson of the Blue House stated, “This is a shameful and worrisome situation... I really want to ask PSPD their underlying purpose in engaging in such behavior.” On June 14, 2010, Prime Minister Chung Un Chan stated, “I wonder what nationality they [PSPD] are. Such actions are against the national interest. [PSPD’s actions] dishonored and shamed our country.” On June 15, 2010, the 2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Chun Yung Woo replied to the question “Are there any cases in which an NGO sent a position paper contradicting the government on a security issue?” He said, “I have never heard of such an NGO, and documents sent by an NGO cannot be a UNSC document.” PSPD believes that diplomacy and security policy should be under the citizenry’s watch and democratic control. National Security and diplomatic policy should not be monopolized by military and diplomatic authorities. As a member of international society, PSPD will continuously make every effort to advance the universal goals of democracy and peace through its activities as a political watchdog. (People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Korean Central News Agency)
[TOP] U.S. Launches “Invincible Spirit” War Exercise Near Korea On July 25, the large-scale, four-day U.S.-south Korea “Invincible Spirit” joint military exercise in the East Sea/Sea of Japan began. It is one of the military measures adopted in response to south Korea’s spurious investigation finding the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea responsible for the sinking of the warship Cheonan. The South Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command stated on July 25 that the aircraft carrier USS George Washington of the United States Seventh Fleet, together with the Aegis destroyers USS McCampbell and USS John S. McCain, left the south Korean port of Busan at around 7:00 am, headed for the East Sea. South Korea’s Dokdo (14,000 tons), Asia’s largest transportation vessel, accompanied the U.S. vessels to the training areas. Nuclear submarines and other vessels from the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the East Sea have joined this group. More than 20 vessels are taking part in “Invincible Spirit,” including 3,200 ton-class Korean KDX-I destroyers, 4,500 ton-class Korean KDX-II destroyers, and 1,800 ton-class submarines. They are joined by more than 200 military aircraft, including four F-22 Raptors. This is the first time that the F-22, which boasts a stealth function, has officially participated in joint training exercises around the Korean peninsula, news agencies report. Their range and speed make them capable of striking anywhere in the DPRK within one hour. In addition, more than 8,000 Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps personnel from both countries are taking part directly or indirectly. These exercises also reportedly involve network defense, fuel supply and command and control (Marines), anti-submarine training (Navy), aerial refueling and live weapon joint attack training (Air Force) while the training area includes the vicinity of the East Sea Northern Limit Line (NLL). Marine maneuvers training on July 26 was followed by shooting practice July 27. Real torpedoes were fired, and depth charges and decoy mines dropped to stop them. Seaborne maneuvers such as refueling and supply transport will take place on July 28. During the training period, four officers from Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), including a colonel, are observing from aboard the USS George Washington. This is the first time personnel from the JMSDF have observed Korean-U.S. joint training exercises. After these exercises, another allied training program is planned for the Yellow Sea in September. China has repeatedly expressed its opposition to these war exercises. The Chinese newspaper Global Times, gave an explanation of the amount of military power involved in the exercise, noting how it was the largest-scale exercise of its kind in 34 years. On July 25, Rodong Sinmun, the official organ of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea issued a signed commentary denouncing the war exercises: “It is the strategic goal of the U.S. imperialists to ignite another Korean war and stifle the Democratic People’s Republic (DPRK) by force of arms and thus establish military domination over Asia. “War has been averted and peace has so far been preserved on the Korean Peninsula thanks to the positive efforts made by the DPRK to defend peace. “The past history shows what miserable ends the warmongers met. “Wars of aggression launched by the imperialists brought unspeakable disaster and catastrophic consequences to the people but the provocateurs suffered shameful defeat in the end. “History knows no precedent of aggressors who meet good ends. “The U.S. imperialist warmongers are talking big about a ‘preemptive nuclear attack’ and ‘surprise strike’ but such rhetoric will never work on the DPRK. “The DPRK is prepared for any war of aggression launched by the U.S. imperialists. “If the U.S., obsessed with war hysteria, dares ignite a war of aggression against the DPRK, the army and people of the DPRK will fully settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists, their sworn enemy.” (Hankyoreh, Korean Central News Agency)
[TOP] Why China Opposes U.S.-South Korean Military Exercises in the Yellow Sea Major General Luo Yuan, deputy secretary general with the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, explained the reasons why China is opposed to the U.S.-South Korean military exercises in the Yellow Sea in a recent online discussion with netizens of People’s Daily Online. Luo pointed out five reasons behind China’s opposition to the joint military exercises: First, in terms of security, Chairman Mao Zedong once said, “We will never allow others to keep snoring beside our beds.” If the United States were in China’s shoes, would it allow China to stage military exercises near its western and eastern coasts? Just like an old Chinese saying goes, “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you,” if the United States does not wish to be treated in a specific way, it should not forcefully sell that way to others. Second, in terms of strategic thinking, China should take into account the worst possibility and strive to seek the best results. The bottom line of strategic thinking is to nip the problem in the bud. The ultimate level of strategic thinking is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Preventing crisis is the best way to resolve and overcome the crisis. China’s current tough stance is part of preventive diplomacy. Third, in terms of geopolitical strategy, the Yellow Sea is the gateway to China’s capital region and a vital passage to the heartland of Beijing and Tianjin. In history, foreign invaders repeatedly took the Yellow Sea as an entrance to enter the heartland of Beijing and Tianjin. The drill area selected by the United States and South Korea is only 500 kilometers (300 miles) away from Beijing. China will be aware of the security pressure from military exercises conducted by any country in an area that is so close to China’s heartland. The aircraft carrier USS George Washington dispatched to the Yellow Sea has a combat radius of 600 kilometers (360 miles) and its aircraft has a combat radius as wide as 1,000 kilometers (600 miles). Therefore, the military exercise in the area poses a direct security threat to China’s heartland and the Bohai Rim Economic Circle. Fourth, in a bid to safeguard security on the Korean Peninsula, the UN Security Council has just issued a presidential statement, requiring all parties to remain calm and restrained with respect to the so-called Cheonan naval ship incident, which had caused a major crisis on the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the joint military exercise by the United States and South Korea on the Yellow Sea has created a new crisis. This is another reason why China strongly opposes the military exercise on the Yellow Sea. In order to safeguard security on the Korea Peninsula, no country should create a new crisis. Instead they should control and deal with the existing one. Fifth, in terms of maintaining China-U.S. relations, especially the two parties’ military relations, China declares its solemn stance to promote the healthy development of China-U.S. military relations. Therefore, China has clearly declared that it is willing to promote the development of the two parties’ relations. Deputy Director of the General Staff Gen. Ma Xiaotian has also expressed his welcome to U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit China at a proper time. Ma made it clear at a meeting in Singapore that three key problems greatly impeded China-U.S. exchanges. First, the United States’ arms sales to Taiwan. Second, the frequently detected American military aircraft and ships over and on the East and South China seas at close range. Third, the 2000 U.S. National Defense Authorization Act and the Delay Amendment restricted military exchanges with China in 12 fields. The current barriers have not been eliminated, while the United States has created another obstacle. This time, they not only sent military ships, nuclear submarines and Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers, but also aircraft carriers. Luo added that a U.S. aircraft carrier had once been in the Yellow Sea in 1994, also known as the “Kitty Hawk incident,” which caused strong reactions from China at that time. Since then, aircraft carriers have never appeared in the Yellow Sea area. The United States and South Korea said that the joint military exercise aims to put pressure on North Korea and deterring North Korea’s submarines. However, as the Yellow Sea is a marine outlet, the joint military exercises actually include the task of military surveillance. Any aircraft carrier has strong reconnaissance and early warning capacities therefore it can also monitor and detect the circumjacent hydrologic geology, meaning that it can detect Chinese marine outlets over and over again. As the Yellow Sea is a high sea, the aircraft carrier can also detect the hydro-geological conditions of China’s submarine channels out to sea. Therefore, the two purposes of the joint military exercise, strategic reconnaissance and testing initial combat plans, pose a threat to China. The United States has always talked about China as a military threat, but this joint military exercise by the United States and South Korea proves that it is not China but the U.S. military that is the threat.
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