End Criminal U.S.War in Afghanistan!
Fight for an Anti-War Government
Boston Action Against Wars Abroad And Police State Attacks At Home Nationwide Actions Demand: All U.S. Troops Home Now! No to Government Repression and Impunity!


End Criminal War Against Afghanistan

Fight for an Anti-War Government

Numerous anti-war actions are taking place across the country October 5-7, marking the anniversary of the start of the criminal U.S. war against Afghanistan in 2001. Demonstrators are taking their stand with the peoples abroad demanding: All U.S. Troops Home Now! and No Drones, No Sanctions! There is also broad opposition to the growing repression at home. Demands against government profiling and impunity, using measures like police Stop & Frisk and FBI entrapment of Muslims, are widespread.

There is growing recognition that as the U.S. continues its aggressive wars and threatens to invade Iran and Syria, increased militarization of life at home is also required. Regimentation of the youth, forcing them into prison or the military is integral to this. African American and Latino youth are especially being targeted, accounting for 90 percent of those stopped and often jailed by New York police using Stop and Frisk. As protesters emphasize, Stop and Frisk is a Crime, Police Brutality is a Crime. The peoples stand is: Not One Youth for Imperialist War! Impunity is the Crime, Resistance the Solution!

The large majority of people think the war in Afghanistan should be ended immediately and all troops brought home now. Working people do not want relations based on aggression and might makes right. As the actions indicate, they are fighting for relations of mutual respect and benefit with the peoples of the world, and an end to U.S. racism and genocide abroad and at home. But the will of the majority does not carry weight in the current set up and is not represented by the presidential candidates.

Election time is an opportunity to think outside the box — to reject the confines of the existing set up and fight for an anti-war government representing the anti-war stand of the majority. An anti-war government is one that would Bring All U.S. Troops Home Now as an immediate contribution to peace and security for all. It would act to disband NATO. It would develop relations of mutual respect and benefit with the peoples worldwide, eliminating trade agreements based on U.S. domination and annexation. It would be internationalist in its spirit, standing with the workers everywhere fighting as one for a bright future, for societies in the image of the working class and its stand of All for One and One for All. An anti-war government would be a pro-social government, standing for rights to jobs, education, housing, healthcare, pensions and blocking mass incarceration and genocide.

An anti-war government is a necessity, not a dream for the future. Recognizing that necessity means contending with the problem people face that their majority will, their anti-war, pro-social stands do not carry weight in the existing political set up. The people are not the decision makers and indeed are systematically blocked from that role.

Part of fighting for an anti-war government is holding today’s governments to account for their pro-war, anti-social stands as the actions nationwide are doing. And it is fighting for new electoral system where political empowerment of the people themselves as decision-makers is guaranteed. Immediate steps in that direction include:

1) fighting for public funding of the process, not the candidates, where the equal right to elect and be elected is guaranteed and the process provides for an informed vote.

2) identifying worker politicians from our collectives — of workers, women, youth, African Americans, and so forth and supporting efforts to have their stands widely known, before, during, and after elections.

3) have house meetings, classroom discussions, public forums and use radio programs to promote the necessity for an anti-war government and a new electoral process to achieve it.


Boston Action Against Wars Abroad And Police State Attacks At Home

(We reprint below the call by Boston organizers for their October 6 action as representative of those nationwide.)

Eleven years ago on October 7, the U.S. unleashed a war on Afghanistan, followed by the war on Iraq based on lies. While thousands of troops remain in these countries, U.S. drone missiles rain down on Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Now the government imposes sanctions and threatens to attack Syria and Iran. The U.S. sends troops and threatens to retaliate against anti-US protesters in the Middle East. These actions will escalate the nightmare of war in the Middle East, not end it.

To wage war abroad, they must wage war at home. The last decade has seen escalating repression and poverty at home. Islamophobia and scapegoating of Muslims leads to manufactured frame-ups and violence against the Muslim community. Civil liberties and the right to dissent are under siege with indefinite detention and extra-judicial assassinations now the law of the land.

Racism is a weapon of war. They use it against Muslims and immigrants. They’ve stepped up the war on Black and Latino youth, with racial profiling, stop and frisk, and harsh sentencing — resulting in police brutality, mass incarceration, military weapons in the hands of police, and a hugely profitable prison industry.

To pay for wars and to maximize the profits of the haves, they take more and more from the have-nots. We see cuts to the social safety nets, attacks on labor, huge unemployment, privatization of public services, neglect of infrastructure, and poisoning of the environment.

Let’s Stand Together In Unity And Solidarity. Together We Are Powerful!
Hands Off Syria And Iran!
No To Racism, Raids, And Repression! No To Islamophobia!

(Demonstration October 6 Sponsored by: United National Antiwar Coalition, United for Justice with Peace, International Action Center, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Boston, Committee for Peace & Human Rights, Boston, New England United, Rhode Island Mobilization Committee)



Nationwide Actions Demand:
All U.S. Troops Home Now!
No to Government Repression and Impunity

Below is a listing of some of the actions taking place across the country on the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and in the face of mounting government repression and impunity at home. For a full listing see the United National Antiwar Coalition, unacpeace.org)


Boston, October 6, 1:30pm, Park St.

Action Against Wars Abroad And Police State Attacks On Civil Liberties At Home

Join us in a march and rally to protest the dangerous escalation in threats of military action against Syria and Iran and increased racist violence and repression at home.

New Hampshire

Concord, October 5, 5:30pm Capitol Center for the Arts

New Hampshire Peace Action is celebrating 30 years of educating, advocating and organizing for world peace! October 5, NH Peace Action’s 30th Anniversary Event and Fall Fundraiser, at the Capitol Center for the Arts

New York

Albany, October 3, 6:00 – 7:00pm, Dana Park

Peace Vigil & Speak Out Marking 11th Anniversary of U.S. War Against Afghanistan

Dana Park at the intersection of Delaware Ave, Lark Street, and Madison Avenue

Sponsored by: Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, Schenectady Neighbors for Peace, Tom Paine Chapter Veterans For Peace, and other local peace and justice organizations. Information: Trudy 466-1192

Buffalo, October 6, 11–Noon, Elmwood and Bidwell

In coordination with UNAC’s call for actions on the 11th Anniversary of the War on Afghanistan: Protest and Leafleting demanding All Troops Home Now! No to Police Brutality and Repression.

Sponsored by Buffalo/WNY International Action Center, Buffalo Forum, Burning Books and more.

New York City, October 7, 4 – 7pm, Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building in Harlem

Rally and March to: Bring the Troops Home Now! No Sanctions! Hands Off Syria & Iran, Stand with Palestine! Stop the Cutbacks! End Stop and Frisk! No to Racism, Raids & Repression.

Sponsored by UNAC, Muslim Leadership Council of Metro NY, DRUM, IAC, Muslim Peace Coalition USA, and more.

New York City, October 6, 12 Noon, Rally at Times Square Military Recruiting Center

STOP U.S. Aggression and Continued War on the World! Not in Our Name!

Memorial to those killed by U.S. war on Afghanistan at Times Square, Military Recruiting Center, March to Union Square. Bring shoes to represent the people killed during 11 years of U.S. occupation.

Sponsored by: World Can’t Wait

Rochester, October 10, 4 – 5:30pm Demonstration at Federal Building

Demonstrate against continuing war. There will be a drone model to accentuate the murder carried out daily on Afghan civilians and many others in other countries subjected to U.S. imperialism.


Milford, October 7, 7am, train station

Connecticut United for Peace and Coalition to End Indefinite Detention will be organizing people to join together to take the train to NYC to attend the Sunday Session of the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Palestine and then head up to Harlem to attend the New York City Harlem demonstration.

New Jersey

Teaneck, October 3, 4:30 – 6:00pm, National Guard Armory, Teaneck Road and Liberty Road

Join Veterans, Military Families, and area residents to Mark the 11th Anniversary of the War on Afghanistan! Demands:
• End the war in Afghanistan! Bring all of the troops home NOW!
• Withdraw the NJ National Guard from Afghanistan!
• No War On Iran!
• Take care of our troops and veterans!

Sponsored by: The Teaneck Peace Vigil, Military Families Speak Out, Bergen County, Veterans For Peace, Chapter 21, NJ


Lewisburg, October 6, Peace Vigil, Noon–1pm, Corner of Market and S 3rd St.

Philadelphia, October 7, 1pm, University of Pennsylvania, 34th & Walnut Streets

Demonstration at University of Pennsylvania and Kite Flight for Peace on the anniversary of the U.S.’s longest war. Protesting University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) and Drexel University receiving millions of dollars in federal research grants for killer and surveillance unmanned aerial vehicles, ‘drones.’ Kites with anti-drone/anti-war peace messages flying between UPENN and Drexel, in the field behind 34th & Walnut Sts. Kite flying is a widespread form of play throughout Afghanistan, expressing the children’s hope for an end to war.

Stop killer drone research at UPenn and Drexel! Fund Human Needs, Not Empire and War.

Sponsored by: Brandywine Peace

Pittsburgh, October 6, 1 – 4pm, East Liberty Presbyterian Church

Join the TMC Antiwar Committee and Black Voices for Peace in a Forum on the Impact of the Wars and Militarism on Pittsburgh. Hear from teachers, transit activists, and service providers about the economic damage caused by the wars. Hear from veterans and military families about how devastating the wars are for them. And discuss how to work together to transform the economy from a military orientation to one focused on human and ecological needs. With inspirational rock by Pittsburgh troubadour Mike Stout.

For more info: www.PittsburghEndTheWar.org


Richmond, October 7, 6:30 PM, William Byrd Community House

Public Forum: “U.S. Hands Off Syria, Iran & Mali! We Need Jobs Not War!”

PROGRAM: Behind The Headlines: The Truth About U.S. Designs On Syria & Iran. An analysis of the developing crisis by: Phil Wilayto – Editor, The Virginia Defender

What’s Behind The Unrest In Mali?

An analysis of the recent coup, civil war and the threat of U.S.-backed military intervention by: Ana Edwards – Host, DefendersLIVE! weekly radio program

A Special Report on a meeting of U.S. peace & social justice activists in New York City with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, by a meeting participant

Sponsored by: THE VIRGINIA DEFENDER newspaper & the DEFENDERSLIVE! radio program

South Carolina

Hilton Head, October 7, 10:30am,Vigil at Rt. 278 and Beach City Rd.

Sponsored by: Hilton Head For Peace


Tallahassee, October 7, 12:30-2:30pm, Rally at 400 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee will join the international protest against U.S. wars on the 11th Anniversary of the start of the US/NATO war on the people of Afghanistan. A war based on lies, using criminal means, killing thousands of people that had nothing to do with 911. Protest the wars at home and abroad, the threats to Iran and Syria, and U.S. drone warfare. “The bombs in Vietnam [Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine ...] explode at home; they destroy the hopes and possibilities for a decent America.” Dr ML King, Jr.

Sponsored by: Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 15, and Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Tallahassee.

Tampa, October 6 & 7, 11:30-2:30pm, Crosstown Mobil

3699 W Gandy Blvd

Vigil for Peace is spread on all four corners of the intersection at Dale Mabry Hwy and Gandy Blvd just a mile North of the main gate of the MacDill Air Force Base, the headquarters of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special “Black” Operations. Possible march to and from Main gate of MacDill

Sponsored by: Veterans for Peace


Columbus, October 7, 5 PM, OSU Main Entrance, 15th Avenue and N. High St.

Peace Vigil at OSU Main Entrance.Also, daylong festival for peace on October 6 at Lincoln Park, 580 Woodrow Ave.


Detroit, October 5, 4–5:30pm, Hart Plaza entrance

The Detroit demonstration will raise a number of issues and demands related to the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Palestine, drone attacks in Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. The theme will be centered around money for jobs, education, housing and health care not war and political repression.

Sponsored by Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War and Injustice (MECAWI), UNAC


Chicago, October 7, 3:00pm, Tribune Tower, 435 N. Michigan Ave

Following a short rally and program, we will march to Boeing Corporate headquarters, stopping along the way at Obama national campaign headquarters.

Demands include: End the War in Afghanistan • No New Wars • Stop FBI Repression of Anti-war Activists • Money for Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not for War


Duluth, Friday, October 5, Picket from 5 – 6 PM, Lake Ave. & Superior St

End the War in Afghanistan Now! Troops Home Now! No New Wars in Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen! Say NO to the drone war! Foreclose the war, not people’s homes! Money for housing & jobs, not the Pentagon! Stop attacks on civil liberties at home

Sponsored by: Northland Anti-War Coalition, Veterans for Peace, Grandmothers for Peace, Socialist Action

Mankato, October 8, 11-12:30, Centennial Student Union at Minnesota State College

We assemble outside of the Centennial Student Union to fight one of the greatest villains of the century: U.S. Militarism! Show up to say No to War with Iran and Syria! Come protest drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen.

Sponsored by: Youth for Socialist Action

Minneapolis, October 7, 1 PM, Rally at Hennepin and Lagoon Avenues

Sponsored by: Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. Endorsements include: AFSCME Local 3800, AlliantAction, Anti-War Committee, Burnsville & Eagan Peace Vigil, Come Home America – MN Chapter, Communities United Against Police Brutality, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Mayday Bookstore, Military Families Speak Out, Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers, Minnesota Coalition for a Peoples Bailout, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee, National Lawyers Guild (MN chapter), St. Paul Eastside Neighbors for Peace, Social Welfare Action Alliance (MN), Socialist Action, Students for a Democratic Society, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Veterans for Peace, Welfare Rights Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Workers International League


Tulsa, October 6, Noon, Rally at 41st and Yale Ave

Sponsored by: Tulsa Peace Fellowship


Salt Lake City, October 7, 3–5pm, Demonstrate Salt Lake City & County Building

No War Abroad and No War at Home.

Washington State

Olympia, October 7, 1–6pm, Sylvester Park

This October 7th we would like to invite you to rally, Localization Not Occupation, a gathering that will help us connect the dots between the wars in the Middle East and the increasing inequalities in America.

Sponsored By: Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation, Occupy Olympia, Alliance for Global Justice, Media Island


Portland, October 6 & October 7, Noon-5PM, Rally, March and Teach-In

Events will Connect Economic Justice and Peace Issues

Saturday: March and Rally Shemanski Park (South Park Blocks at Salmon);

Sunday: Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus (N Albina & Killingsworth)

The organizers of the event have broadly laid out these political platform points to further explain the days’ theme: Money for Jobs, Education, Health Care, Housing, and the Environment Not War • End the Wars and Occupations • No Nukes, No Drones • Power to the People • Restore Constitutional Rights

Sponsors include: Cascadians Against War, Right 2 Dream Too, Right 2 Survive, Recruiter Watch PDX, Little Light of Mine Friends Worship Group, East Timor Action Network/Portland, pdxjustice Media Productions, Freedom Socialist Party, Oregon Wildlife Federation, Back 2 the Wall and others.


Los Angeles, October 6, 2pm, Rally Pershing Square

Sponsored by: International Action Center; School of the Americas Watch – LA; Arab Americans for Syria; Latinos Against the War; Union of Progressive Iranians; ALBA USA; Bail Out the People Movement; Occupy 4Jobs, Harvard Blvd Block Club in South Central and more

Los Angeles October 6, Noon: March & Rally to shut down Army recruitment center at Hollywood & Highland

Sponsored by: the ANSWER Coalition

Monterey, October 5, 5:00pm, Window on the Bay, Del Monte Ave near Camino El Estero

A vigil to call for an end to military action in Afghanistan, stop the use of military drones and depleted uranium, and remember those who have died or been injured in the Afghan War

Sponsored by: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Oakland, October 1-5, Merritt and Laney College

During the week of October 1-5 antiwar and civil liberties leaders will be participating in panel presentations to classes at Laney and Merritt Colleges. Issues include the prison-industrial complex, indefinite detention, Islamophobia, and key defense cases including political prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal


Monday, October 1: 1pm at Merritt College, Oakland in Room A206 at the class of Dr. Siri Brown, chair, African-American Studies Department.

Wednesday October 3: 11-12 noon in Room E 254 at Laney College at the class of Professor Tamika Brown, Chair, African-American Studies Department

Thursday October 4: 9:30-10:45 am in Room E255b at Laney College.

San Francisco, October 6, 12 noon March & Rally Powell & Market Sts.

Sponsored by the ANSWER coalition



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