Join RNC Events July 14-21 |
Take Action at the RNC and DNC to Oppose War and Defend Rights
The conventions are both major live exercises for the highly militarized police of both cities. The Secret Service imposes a “hard perimeter” around the convention site where no protest is permitted and only those approved by the Secret Service can enter. The FBI is also involved, often for surveillance and infiltration of those organizing resistance. Then there are thousands of state police from surrounding state and local and county police, commonly in combat gear, and including special teams trained for mass arrest and control of demonstrations. The city government also commonly imposes a “soft perimeter,” which also serves to block protesters from directly addressing convention participants and often even just seeing them. An atmosphere is created that politicians and presidential candidates cannot be in public without massive military-level protection and peaceful protest cannot occur without a massive police presence. The aim behind such a militarization of protest and political affairs more generally is to block resistance and disrupt efforts by the people to build a political movement necessary to defend their rights. Voice of Revolution urges all to join in raising the level of political discussion with a focus on the need for an anti-war government and the building of a political movement that can bring it about. While the two parties are no longer political and no longer function as parties, the people of necessity must be political — must act to defend their interests, as individuals and collectives. This can be done by working together to elaborate how to accomplish the aim of electing an anti-war government and what immediate actions such a government should take, like All Troops Home Now! The rich have no politics and seek to deny the working class and people of their independent politics. Let all reject this effort and instead join in debating and developing an anti-war government.
[TOP] Modernize and Democratize Elections Fund the Process Not the Candidates and Parties
Many consider that the main issue in the current process is too much money, through corporations, SuperPACs, etc. and thus various proposals focus on limiting campaign financing. This has been a main aspect of electoral reform in the past, such the McCain-Feingold 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. This law restricted campaign funding to the parties and candidates and required donations be public. However, it left open and thus encouraged what is termed “soft” funding, from outside groups, which have ballooned and expanded ever since. There is no question that the massive amounts of funds pumped into elections by the vying interests among the rulers is a problem. But limiting funding alone does nothing to address the anti-democratic character of the election process itself. An entirely different process is needed, one that empowers the people themselves, to select and be the candidates, to decide the agenda, to win election. Discussing the character of the process needed is of assistance to all those concerned about democratizing the existing set-up. Among the key changes needed, that can be debated and fought for are: 1) Public funding of the process not the candidates and parties and outlawing campaign financing outside that process; 2) All candidates selected by the people themselves, at their workplaces, schools and universities, seniors’ homes, etc.; 3) All candidates are provided equal ability to run and be elected, so that working people themselves can be selected as our politicians and win office; 4) All negative campaigning is banned and all candidates must address the agenda, set by the people themselves. There is little doubt the people would demand solutions to key social problems, like war, the environment, poverty, racism and inequality. 5) All candidates have equal access to the media and the media, which uses the public airwaves, is required to provide equal time to all candidates, including in their news coverage. The current election showed that Trump was given far more coverage than any other candidate, as part of efforts to foment racism and divisions among the people. 6) Debates, hosted by local organizers, are organized in all major cities, for the presidency, across the country, for other offices statewide as appropriate, with all candidates present and given equal time and the public given time to ask questions, call for solutions, etc. 7) All candidates and parties required to provide information that provides the context for the given issue, facts about the problem and its relation to other issues and concrete solutions. Campaign materials and presentations must serve to raise the level of political discussion and serve the public interest. 8) An independent national elections commission also provides information as needed, and takes responsibility for ensuring every eligible voter is registered, and that the process is adhered to.
[TOP] Current Schedule of Protest Events at the Republican National Convention Thursday July 14 – Sun. July 17 National Convention of the Oppressed When: July 14, 5-10pm Saturday, July 16 - Sunday, July 17 People's Justice & Peace Convention When: July 15, 7:00pm Where: July 15-16: Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, 8712 Quincy Ave. Local, state and national representatives of justice, peace, environmental and democracy groups will come together at a “People’s Convention.” Saturday, July 16 National March and Rally against Racism, Injustice and White Supremacy When:12 noon Saturday, July 16 Stop Trump Pre-RNC Convention - Interfaith Prayer, Picnic, Drum Circle, Protest Planning Meeting When: 2:00–11:00 pm Sunday, July 17 Keep the Promise Concert and Rally (note: March canceled) When: July 17, 5:00 PM (Doors open at 4:00 PM) Sunday July 17: Shut Down Trump & The RNC When: Rally 4pm, and March March Against Racism, Islamophobia, Attacks on Immigrants and on LGBTQ people and Endless War! Co-sponsored by: Solidarity Center NYC, Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement, Peoples Power Assemblies NYC, Peoples Power Assembly Balt, Moratorium NOW! Coalition, International Action Center • 216-452-8473 Sunday July 17: CODEPINK Orientation Party at the RNC When: 7pm Join the CODEPINK staff and friends to kick off an exciting week of actions at the RNC! There will be a short orientation for the CODEPINK team and light refreshments will be served. RSVP is required to receive location information. Monday, July 18 March on the RNC: Dump Trump, Rally and March When: 12:00 noon Contact: Coalition to Dump Trump and March on the RNC Mon. July 18 End Poverty Now! Rally and March for Economic Justice When: 2pm Rally, 3pm March We will march on Quicken Loans Arena, the convention center, on July 18 and make it loud and clear: No more complicity with the crime of poverty! No more building your political career on the backs of the poor! No more silence from those you have been stepping on! We demand an end to poverty NOW! Co-Sponsors: Cleveland Peace Action, AFSC, Jobs with Justice, Poor People’s Economic Justice Campaign and more Mon. July 18 Don’t Let the Racist Right Wing Lead the Struggle Against Capitalist Globalization When: 6:00pm Hear revolutionary socialist presidential candidate for Workers World,, Monica Moorehead and vice-presidential candidate Lamont Lilly Contact: (216) 452-8473 FB: Monica Moorehead & Lamont Lilly 2016 Tuesday, July 19 Screening of The Brainwashing of My Dad, with Q & A session with film executive producer and CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans! When: July 19, 7 pm Free Comedy Show: Banned - Dangerously Funny Arab Americans And American Muslims At The 2016 Rnc When: July 19, 4:00-5:00pm (doors open at 3pm) Wednesday, July 20 CodePink "No Beauty In Hate" Pageant When: 10:45am- 11:30am Donald Trump is well known for his notorious beauty pageants, so we’re going to bring our own version to the doorstep of the RNC with messaging about what Trump’s America would look like. Hint: It is not good! Thursday, July 21 Stand Together Against Trump (STAT) When: March 1:30 PM, Rally 6pm A broad coalition of people and organizations protesting Donald Trump’s racism, sexism, and xenophobia.
Voice of Revolution USMLO • 3942 N. Central Ave. • Chicago, IL 60634 |