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January 16, 2005

January 20th Washington D.C.

All Out Against Bush Reaction!

Americans are broadly rejecting the fraud of U.S. elections and the representative of this fraud, George W. Bush. Across the country activists of all kinds are coming together to insist that Bush is not their president, the war in Iraq is not their war, and every single attack on rights is unacceptable. There will be no legitimate president until there are legitimate free and fair elections.

On January 20th, activists from the south and west, north and east are converging on Washington D.C. to give expression to the drive of the people for change that favors all the peoples, here and worldwide. Youth are taking their stand against the attacks on education and military recruitment, women are organizing for peace and rejecting attacks on their rights and those of the youth and children, teachers, transit and healthcare workers are giving expression to the demand to Stop Paying the Rich and Increase Funding for Social Programs. All are united in the necessity to rely on ourselves and our resistance as the way forward. All are rejecting the U.S. path of brutal reaction and taking their stand that no one will stand alone and the rights of all will be defended. January 20th is a rallying point for the fight for rights and democracy, so be sure you are represented—go, help send others, spread the word, help build the bulwark against Bush reaction!


January 20th Action Roundup

Since the fraudulent November 2nd elections, the people's demand for free and fair elections and opposition to the dark reaction represented by the Bush administration has been growing. On the evening of November 3rd, people flowed into the streets to oppose the many crimes of election fraud, including voter suppression, discrimination and manipulation of the vote count. Since then, actions opposing war and the fraud of U.S. democracy have continued almost non-stop. With a growing range of social and political activists, artists, poets, musicians and people from all walks of life joining in from all across the county, the counter-inaugural events leading up to and in preparation for January 20th actions are revealing a growing movement to block the brutality of U.S. imperialism. These actions are serving as a converging point for building the bulwark against reaction, a powerful wall of resistance by the people standing as one to defend rights and hold the government accountable for its crimes.

Representing the spirit of "All Together" activists have created websites open to all those organizing actions opposing reaction and building their vision of a bright future. Numerous actions are taking place in towns and cities nationwide on January 20 so that those unable to go to D.C. can give expression to their anger and build their resistance. has posted a comprehensive calendar of events dating from January 1st through January 20th and beyond. More than 50 events are listed for January 20th alone, including everything from vigils to civil disobedience, pranks and direct actions, from rap and punk rock concerts, poetry readings to folk concerts. The extensive list reveals that people are building up their forces, organizing training sessions in everything from poster and puppet making, to medical and legal training for demonstrations and direct action. The people are building their spirit of self-reliance, relying on themselves for fundraising, and doing so on a political basis, utilizing political music, art and film events.

January 20th Actions in D.C.

Over 20 events are planned for January 20th to reject Bush as an illegitimate president. As one of the coalitions organizing said, "United for Peace and Justice urges everyone who can to converge in Washington, DC on January 20!"

Several of the actions are all day events. Among them are student walkouts. Youth are advancing the demands "Walk against the cuts in public funding of our schools and libraries! Walk against their recruiting of our friends and peers to die in wars! Walk against the wars at home that keep people poor and homeless!" Organizers have announced that college and high school students "will be performing walkouts against the inauguration on both the 19th and 20th. These are likely to merge into larger actions. Get involved, organize with your friends!" (see:

A Critical Mass bike ride will kick off the day's events. "Plans are being drawn up right now to have the largest critical mass bike ride DC has ever seen. We will meet at Union Station at 7:30 in the morning and ride out into the city following the same route that we followed when after the long ride several hundred of us were corralled and "preemptively" illegally arrested in Pershing Park in September 2002. Those arrested who sued the city received large cash settlements from the city. Since that time the DC City Council has passed legislation making it illegal for police to make preemptive arrests at a demonstration."

DC Anarchist Resistance and the New York Counter Inaugural Cluster are also organizing actions up to and including January 20th. "From direct action to childcare to popular education, anarchists in DC are organizing for creative, vibrant protests to the inauguration — if you can, come early and get involved. Form affinity groups and (seriously folks) plan and carry out autonomous actions, help Food Not Bombs cook for protestors, get information out on the protests to people in DC, assist groups working on local issues." They call on all to use January 20th as a means to build up the people's ability to organize resistance. "To create the world we want, we all need to participate. The power to change the world is not in the hands of Bush, the Democrats, or anyone else, it's in our hands — the hands of people everywhere, including you. Come to DC, there are thousands of others out there who can't wait to join us." The New York Counter Inaugural Cluster writes: "We will act in support of all who want to be in D.C. and demonstrate against the system and its transgressions against freedom, whether in the Middle East or here at home. A space will be made for people to exercise their 1st Amendment rights whether the police allow it or not. We will not submit to illegal arrests, unlawful searches, or checkpoints."

One of the local organizers, DAWN, says, "The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has called for a permitted anti-war rally and march, and DAWN has called separately for nonviolent civil disobedience die-ins to draw attention to all the dead at the hands of the Bush Administration. Beginning with a rally at Malcolm X Park at 9:00 a.m., followed by a march toward the White House and ending at McPherson Square Park after 12noon; many feeder marches will join on the way."

In the spirit of the New Orleans jazz funeral, a Women's March and Funeral Procession also begins at 9am, where "diverse protest groups gather to mourn the loss of American freedoms while the Bush administration celebrates. A pre-march rally will convene at Dupont Circle at 9am, featuring speakers, information tables, and various entertainment. The legal, permitted march will leave Dupont Circle around 11:00am and eventually merge with the DAWN march at McPherson Square around 12:00pm." The March will mourn losses and make demands in the areas of: women's rights, civil rights, civil liberties and worker rights. "All are welcome to join in and raise your voices!"

Code Pink issued the call "Let's Inaugurate the Second Term of the Peace and Justice Movement." In it they write: "There'll be two oaths taken come January 20th, 2005. The first, by George W. Bush, is a promise to continue the appalling and self-serving agenda of a handful of rightwing extremists cloaked under the guise of a falsely assumed people's mandate. The second oath is a collective one. And there's nothing false about it. It's an unwavering pledge by the tens of thousands of people who mobilized in unprecedented numbers during the election to peaceably counter the Bush agenda." Code Pink is organizing for the actions across the U.S and in Washington D.C., including the Women's March & Funeral Procession and the Billionaires for Bush Re-Coronation Inaugural Ball (see

A Global Justice contingent will also participate in the counter-inaugural march, assembling at 9am. "This is a chance to participate in a contingent that makes the link between the disastrous economic, social, and environmental policies followed by the Bush administration at home (and in Iraq) and the equally disastrous "structural adjustment" policies imposed by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on much of the world. The Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ) is organizing a global justice contingent in the major counter-inaugural march. We will provide flyers for handing out that make the connection between the Bush administration and IMF/World Bank policies, and provide (a few) signs. Feel free to bring your own signs and noisemakers! After assembling at the corner of 16th St. NW and Crescent St. NW, opposite Malcolm X Park, we'll cross 16th St. to join the main rally, and we'll march as a contingent in the march."

At 10:30, Billionaires for Bush will auction off Social Security. "The always fun and photogenic Billionaires in tuxedos and ball gowns will carry out our president's mandate by auctioning off Social Security to the highest bidder, as well as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Some of our slogans: "Make Social Security Neither!" "Cashing In Your Children's Tomorrow...Today!" "Taking from Main Street, Giving To Wall Street!" "No Brokerage Firm Left Behind!" "Drain America First!"

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition "will be establishing antiwar bleachers along the inaugural parade route. The National Park Service has acknowledged our right to set up bleachers at 4th St. and Pennsylvania Avenue NW (north side)."

They continue: "We want to make it clear to everyone that while we have obtained permitted space at 4th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., we are continuing to fight the government's attempts to prohibit the general public from gaining access to all the areas along the parade route while reserving those areas for the exclusive use of Bush supporters and donors. Pennsylvania Avenue is not the private property of Corporate America and the ultra-right." (see:

Turn Your Back on Bush begins at 2:00pm. "This is a non-violent, mass action that will powerfully demonstrate the broad opposition that exists in this country to the presidency of George Walker Bush. We call on people to dress neutrally and line the parade route. As the presidential motorcade approaches many of us will simply turn our backs on him. We invite you to joinus! (

The Alternative Inaugural Concert, which is free, will begin at 3:00pm. "Celebrate the Heart and Hope of America. The event will feature outstanding performers from America's diverse musical traditions, plus distinguished speakers addressing poverty, peace and the future of our planet." As well a variety of groups, including ReDefeat Bush and others have set up stages around the city for protest, speeches and discussion.

In the evening, there will be a Town Hall: "Empire and Resistance: Taking on Bush's War Machine" beginning at 5:00pm. "It is being organized to help provide ideas, energy, and focus to our common movement for progressive change. The forum is sponsored by the International Socialist Organization.

More than two dozen actions, protests, demonstrations and meetings are scheduled to take place across the county on January 20th, in addition to those taking place in Washington, D.C. UFPJ highlights: "Activists in New Orleans are organizing a `Jazz Funeral for Democracy,' the Northland Anti-War Coalition is organizing a Counter-Inaugural March in Duluth, MN, and folks in Houston are coordinating a day of creative direct action and non-cooperation." See and for a complete listing.


Calander of Events

January 20th Actions in Washington, D.C.

Voice of Revolution is printing below a partial calendar of events, showing the breadth and scope of the convergence in Washington, D.C.


College and High School students will be performing walkouts against the inauguration on both the 19th and 20th

The Parade Must End
A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the January 20, 2005 protest of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.


Washington DC counter-inaugural Critical Mass Bike Ride
7:30 AM - 11:00 AM.

Meet at Union Station at 7:30

RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has called for a permitted anti-war rally and march. Rally at Malcolm X Park at 9:00AM, 16th and Euclid St., NW.

Women's March and Funeral Procession
Rally will convene at Dupont Circle at 9am. March will leave Dupont Circle around 11:00am and eventually merge with the DAWN march at McPherson Square around 12:00pm.

Global Justice Contingent
The Mobilization for Global Justice contingent is meeting at the corner of 16th St. NW and Crescent St. NW, opposite Malcolm X Park at 9am.

Billionaires for Bush auction off Social Security
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM.

Billionaires for Bush will acution off Social Security and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Meet at the FDR Memorial, West side of the Tidal Basin.

Turn Your Back on Bush
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

We call on people to dress neutrally and line the parade route. As the presidential motorcade approaches many of us will simply turn our backs on him.

Alternative Inaugural Concert
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

All Souls Church, Unitarian, 16th and Harvard Streets NW

For a listing of evening events, please visit the calander at:

Voice of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization