January 21, 2005 Jan. 20 Counter-Inauguration Tattered Veil of U.S. Democracy Torn Away! People Say No Mandate for War and Repression On Inauguration day, Washington D.C. saw the vibrant face of the American people united against the fraud of U.S. democracy and the Bush agenda of war and repression. Many thousands marched and rallied in the streets of D.C. while thousands more succeeded in lining the Bush parade route on Pennsylvania Ave. Banners proclaiming “No Mandate” and “U.S. Democracy is a Fraud,” “Not My President, NO!” as well as many opposing war and occupation in Iraq, calling for “Troops Out Now!” “Bush is a War Criminal” and those rejecting torture and other crimes, represented the many gathered in D.C. and people across the country and worldwide. With youth making up the majority of protesters together with a wide range of people with all variety of viewpoints and concerns, the various actions gave expression to the determination of all to carry forward their fight for rights and democracy. “We Do Not Concede,” “Democrats in Revolt,” “Occupation is a Crime from Iraq, Haiti, and Palestine,” “Impeach Not Inaugurate,” were among the signs and chants. People from across the country converged in D.C. while actions also took place in Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, Rhode Island and elsewhere. (Report from Washington, DC continues after photos below.)
.. Three main rallies were organized in D.C., one at Dupont Circle, another at Malcolm X Park, and a third in the bleachers on the parade route at 4th and Pennsylvania. The Women’s March from Dupont Circle saw hundreds of women organized by Code Pink, along with a jazz band from New Orleans and many other groups and activists. The main thrust of the action was to oppose the numerous government attacks on the rights of women, youth, national minorities, immigrants and workers, and to salute all those rising in resistance. As Code Pink put it, those gathered made an “unwavering collective pledge” to carry forward the struggle against the Bush agenda. A “funeral procession” led by the jazz band depicted the death of U.S. democracy while celebrating the growing movement of the people. Participants marched from Dupont Circle to join those marching from Malcolm X Park, with both actions merging at McPherson Square, near the White House. The rally at Malcolm X Park, organized by DAWN (D.C. Anti-War Network) represented perhaps the broadest convergence space, bringing together thousands of youth, anti-war activists, greens and anarchists, Iraq war veterans, teachers, religious and civil rights activists, African Americans, workers, seniors and others, all united as one against war and for democracy that favors the people. They represented the consciousness now spreading across the country for Free and Fair Elections NOW! Various speakers and banners emphasized that, “the power to change the world is not in the hands of Bush, the Democrats, or anyone else, it is in our hands, the hands of people everywhere.” The self-reliance of the people could also be seen in the many creative hand-made signs and puppets, as well as the hundreds of coffins lined up depicting all those dead at the hands of U.S. imperialism. Musicians and artists made their presence known, including the many performers who wrote and performed their own work. Everyone had a strong sense of the scope and strength of the unity being developed as all together stood with the peoples of the world and rejected the Bush agenda of more war and more repression. The fight to stand together despite efforts by police to separate and corral protesters was also reflected in the fact that speakers from Code Pink and others at the Dupont Circle march participated in the Malcolm X event and vice-versa. A lively march followed the rally, stretching for blocks and receiving support from passersby. Volunteers carried the coffins while a “call and repeat” song provided spirit and rhythm for the march: “This is a Rich Man’s War, What is the Poor
Man Fighting For? The third rally, organized by the International ANSWER coalition took place at bleachers on the parade route at 4th and Pennsylvania. Numerous speakers, including veterans and military families denounced the war while union representatives also addressed the attacks on workers rights and healthcare. Lawyers spoke to the government efforts to block the protest altogether and the continuing fight on this front. ANSWER reports that many people were also blocked at the checkpoints surrounding the parade route. In defense of the public’s right to participate in the inauguration, which was taking place on public streets and organized as a public event, about 2,000 youth who had participated in the march from Malcolm X Park, took action to tear down portions of the police fencing along Pennsylvania Ave. Youth involved said they organized to break through the police barricade so that they could take their stand on the parade route and to protect public places for the public. They rejected the actions of the government to close off a 100-block area surrounding the parade route and force everyone to go through metal detectors and searches at military-style checkpoints. Many participants reported spending hours in line at the checkpoints, manned variously by Secret Service, other federal police agencies and national guardsmen. Other individuals who got through the checkpoints were then forcibly removed by police when they booed and heckled Bush as he passed. The youth represented the majority by standing to reject the military face Bush showed the world for his inauguration and rising instead for the right of the public to freely participate in public events and express their dissent. Billionaires for Bush enacted the auctioning off of Social Security and the Arctic Wildlife Reserve to the highest bidders. “Pissed Off Voters from Ohio” depicted the “Torture Fraternity” and put on a show for marchers. A Critical Mass bike ride took place in the morning, with riders going past the D.C. convergence center and indymedia offices to show their support. At the swearing-in ceremony, members of Code-Pink succeeded in getting a banner past the checkpoints and unfurled it, demanding “Bring the Troops Home.” Along the route were many homemade signs, including those from military families and those opposed to election fraud. Said one, “Military Families Are Grieving While You Celebrate.” Among the many other actions were those organized by Turn Your Back on Bush, who successfully organized hundreds of people to get through the police checkpoints and then stand and turn their backs as the Bush motorcade went past. Many of these protesters commented that protesters had succeeding in lining the parade route, heckling, booing, throwing snow balls and golf balls at Bush’s limousine. They also brought out that no one actually saw Bush along the route, as a phalanx of SUV’s and limousines, all with blackened windows, was all that was visible. Youth present said that it showed the character of U.S. democracy when the president, at his public inauguration, has to make a show of military force, surround himself with an estimated 7,000 soldiers and another 3,000 police and then hide from the American people the entire length of the parade. Throughout the chilly day, spirits remained high and determined. It was clear that despite the tens of millions spent on the Bush parade, despite the police presence and efforts to keep people from converging and building their unity, it was the spirit of united defiance and resistance that prevailed. The military face of Bush was countered by the broad stand of the people for rights. The tattered veil of U.S.-style democracy was torn off and the lines of battle drawn as demonstrators represented the stand of Americans and the peoples of the world: No Mandate for War and Repression! Free and Fair Elections Now!
[TOP] Boldly Step Up the Fight for Rights All Together Against the Tsunami of — Statement of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization, January 20, 2005 — The warning signs are clear and abundant: a completely military face for the inauguration of a civilian president installed through fraudulent elections, continued war and occupation of Iraq, open threats of military attack against Iran, plans for permanent detentions of any branded a “suspected terrorist,” promotion of Alberto Gonzales, architect of elimination of rule of law and use of torture, to Attorney General — so he can oversee imposing “rule by Dictator Bush” inside the U.S. There is no doubt the tsunami is coming and coming rapidly. The election of Bush represents a brutal tidal wave of reaction in the making as U.S. imperialism seeks desperately to hold onto its failing system. The difference with this man-made disaster is that we are in a position to prepare and mount our defenses. Indeed, the task facing all those standing for humanity is to make certain that as U.S. reaction builds we do everything possible to throw obstacles in its path and unite with all those doing the same, here and abroad. And we together prepare for the reality that when the tsunami crashes full force, U.S. imperialism does not bring humanity down with it — that it does not succeed in washing away all the progress and advances humanity has given rise to. This is what is at stake, this is the great significance of each and every battle waged against Bush reaction. This is the necessity to boldly step up the struggle to defend the rights of all. It is the work of everyone together, all our struggles, our united resistance to reaction that is our basis for security, our best defense. Let us Build a Bulwark Against Reaction! We here in the U.S. have been contributing to the fight for progress. We each have more bricks to contribute to the building of a mighty wall against the tsunami of U.S. reaction. Let us together focus now on ensuring that all the bricks are brought together, that more and more people are brought into the fight and that no one is left to stand alone. Strengthening organization at all levels and forging our united actions will serve to do this. The actions here today capture the spirit of Americans that We Do Not Concede to Bush reaction and we will advance our fight. Our contributions can be seen in the broad array of people here today, from many fronts of struggle, all united to defend each other and our rights. It can be seen in the almost non-stop actions since the November elections and the many actions against war and for rights before that. Bush is blatantly presenting to the world a completely military face for his inauguration, complete with check-points, police and their machine-guns on the streets, snipers on the roofs, military troops in the parade and at the command centers. We here today, organized, active, standing together for rights, are showing the face of the American people. We represent the will of the American people and we together say the war in Iraq is unacceptable, torture is unacceptable, indefinite detentions are unacceptable, fascist dictate with its rule of men, with its concentration camps, with its racism and crimes will not pass! One of the key battles unfolding at this time is the struggle against the fraud of the 2004 elections. A very broad number of people from various fronts of struggles and viewpoints are joining in this fight. Consciousness has reached the point where the stand is not only that the elections are a fraud, but U.S. democracy is a fraud. The conclusion is being drawn that U.S. rulers cannot deliver free and fair elections, not here, not in Iraq, not anywhere. The demand being raised is for Free and Fair Elections Now! This battle is exposing the U.S. system as a fraud and making it more difficult for the U.S. to present itself to the world as a model of democracy. Stepping up this battle and insuring it persists is a vital way to throw a significant obstacle in the path of U.S. imperialism. The U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization salutes everyone here and all those contributing to these many battles for rights. It is up to each and everyone together, across the U.S. and around the world, to defend humanity and open the door to progress. Let us all together step up the resistance! By boldly stepping up the struggle for the rights of all here and abroad we can provide for our security while ensuring there is no peace on the homefront for U.S. imperialism. All Together Now! Build the Bulwark Against Reaction! |
of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization |