March 18, 2005

March 19 Global Days of Actions
No U.S. Troops Abroad! No Military Recruiters in Our Schools!
- Statement of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization

March 19 Global Days of Actions

No U.S. Troops Abroad!
No Military Recruiters in Our Schools!

- Statement of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization -

The U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization salutes each and everyone in action across the country and worldwide demanding: End the War in Iraq Now! Troops Out Now! We commend the work and organizing efforts that have brought many tens of thousands of people into actions in more than 580 cities and towns nationwide, in country after country after country worldwide.

As one, the peoples are showing that they are the decisive force to defend humanity against the onslaught of Bush reaction! We Americans are a vibrant contingent in this One Humanity with One Struggle for rights!

We together in action today, representing the vast majority of Americans across the country, come to these actions with pride and determination. Last year, on the first anniversary of the war, there were actions in 320 cities and towns. Today, it is more than 580. This is despite the non-stop ruling class efforts to proclaim that the anti-war movement does not represent the people. This is despite the lies spread far and wide that it is Bush and his wars that represent Americans and that Bush reaction is the mandate for all the world.

These actions are give a resounding NO! being heard around the world. Bush has No Mandate, the Iraq war is not democracy, it is not liberation, it is a war crime.

The anti-war movement in the U.S. is spreading to even the smallest towns, south and west, north and east. It is embracing military families, veterans from Iraq, Vietnam and Korea, the troops still in the military, and the many who have already refused to go back to Iraq. These veterans are standing up to tell the world that Bush is a war criminal. They are refusing to commit war crimes and are reclaiming their humanity by joining the resistance and urging everyone to do the same.

So too are the youth the military is desperately trying to recruit for imperialist war. Dozens and dozens of actions are occurring weekly on campuses and at the high schools, including walk outs, kicking recruiters off campus, leafleting and tabling to inform youth about the war. Despite bribes of all kinds, despite facing rotten social and economic conditions, more and more youth are saying, No Bush! We Ain’t Going Nowhere! Collectives and organizations against military recruiting are springing up everywhere, ensuring that this struggle goes forward.

This reality represents a deepening crisis for Bush and all reaction. Resistance in the military and to the Pentagon war machine is growing. The scope and breadth of the anti-war movement, uniting people from all backgrounds and views, bringing together those outside and inside the military, galvanizing a determined and organized force that is one with humanity — this is an important development and success of the movement. Our own experience, these developments occurring right before our eyes, show that Bush may have won the battle to launch the war, but victory lies with the people.

Now is the time to strengthen the many organizations and consciousness that says Bush is a War Criminal, the Iraq war is a crime, the U.S. genocide and torture worldwide are crimes and all those guilty will be punished. Now is the time for Troops Out Now! in Iraq and for all U.S. troops to be brought home as a decisive step against more wars and aggression. Now is the time to rally with the youth and insist, No Military Recruiters in Our Schools! Let us together step up our united resistance, strengthen our links and common work, and forge ahead to defend the rights of all, abroad and at home.

Bush is a War Criminal!
All U.S. Troops Home Now!


Voice of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization