to Action March 19 and 31 Call to Action March 19 and 31 No Draft, No Way! Youth were in the forefront of organizing for anti-war actions across the country on March 19, with military recruiting centers a main target for the protests. Numerous organizations actively opposing recruitment and the draft, such as Books Not Bombs and No Draft, No Way, organized contingents, with signs and leaflets against recruitment and any draft for the March 19 actions. Many made a special effort to make it down to Fayetteville, North Carolina, to stand against the war alongside veterans and military families. The action called for resistance among the troops and supported those refusing to go. The common stand is that the U.S. is committing war crimes, that Bush is a war criminal and that a stand against the war is a stand for humanity. No Draft, No Way! and others are calling for local actions March 31 against any draft. The No Draft Now Way statement brings out that “On March 31, the Selective Service System (SSS) will report to President Bush that it is ready to implement the draft within 75 days. Right now, the SSS is staffing local draft boards, training volunteer registrars to work on high school and college campuses, and streamlining its induction process. They have also gained access to the Department of Education's computer files, to ensure maximum registration.” Youth and activists are organizing local actions March 31. As the statement continues, “On March 31, the same day that the Selective Service System is reporting that the draft is ready to go, youth all over the country will report that they will refuse to go.” Protests, walkouts, and direct action at recruiting centers, selective service offices, and other sites are planned. Below is a partial list of planned actions. [TOP] March 31 Day of Action to Stop the Draft NORTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE Second:
Stop the Draft Before It Starts! A Call to Action Third: Clarksville
Weekly Peace Vigil PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK New York City MASSACHUSETTS Western Massachusetts IOWA CALIFORNIA [TOP] Military Recruiters, Out of Our Schools Fairport Superintendent Confronts Military Dr. William Cala, superintendent of Fairport, NY, schools, near Rochester, will be confronting a uniformed colonel from the U.S. Army in the next two weeks. Dr. Cala is refusing to submit to the military’s demand to turn over the names, numbers, and addresses of all juniors and seniors for military recruiting purposes. Fairport High School has an enrollment of about 1600 students. For three years the superintendent has been resisting the requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandating schools to turn over student information or lose federal funds. Dr. Cala emphasizes that, “Every aspect of No Child Left Behind is based on the threat concept that if you don't follow what we say, we're going to take your money away. Someone has got to stand up to that.” In his district he has organized what is known as the “opt-in” option. This means that school officials will turn over names only if parents ask them to do so. This is the normal method for seeking parental permission. The military, facilitated by the law, has attempted to turn this on its head, demanding information unless parents specifically “opt out.” The Fairport school district is currently the only district in the country known to be declared in violation of the NCLB and in danger of losing federal funds. Other districts across the country have confronted the law in their own ways. Many have launched large campaigns to educate parents and students about “opting out” and providing information and alternatives to the military. Youth and parents are increasingly confronting military recruiters at their schools and organizing as a group to refuse to hand over information. Resistance has grown so much among the youth that the Army now plans new recruiting tactics appealing to what they call the “patriotism” of the parents. Given the broad participation of youth and parents together in the March 19 anti-war actions, many of them demonstrating at recruiting stations, this latest ploy is also doomed to failure. In Fairport, Dr. Cala has manuevered to be in compliance with the law, while still resisting the military recruiters, by allowing parents to “opt-in” to consenting to the release of student information to the military. He said that, “The Fairport Board of Education has a very long-standing policy that we don't share student information with anybody, period.” He added, “We're being forced to reverse this policy because the military says so, and we don't think that's fair or right.” Superintendent for 8 years, Cala said, “We feel to protect the privacy rights of our students, their information isn't released without their explicit permission. We've read the No Child Left Behind law and our attorneys have read it, and we believe we're compliant.” The military is sending its colonel in an effort to insist that Cala use the Army’s “opt out” policy. Cala has the wide support of the youth, parents and community in Fairport. Many people have brought out that the military’s “opt out” approach is a self-serving way to increase access to a larger pool of youth from which to recruit cannon fodder. As Cala put it, “The Army wants to make it as difficult as possible to opt out. They want to get kids to join with the least input from parents.” Dr. Cala remains firm in the face
of the military intimidation and has let it be known that he will continue
to defend the rights of the youth and parents
in his district. “We'll do what we have to do, but we won't be intimidated,” Cala
emphasized. [TOP] |
of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization |