U.S. "Prosperity
Partnership" For
Your Information:
Mexico, U.S., Canada Security and Prosperity Partnership of
North America United States of North American Monopolies! Annexation No! Sovereignty Yes! Another World Is Possible! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), March 31, 2005 - President Bush recently met with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mexican President Vincente Fox to further strengthen U.S. efforts to completely annex both countries. Voice of Revolution vigorously denounces these actions by the U.S. against Canadians, Mexicans and the people of the U.S. We join the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) in calling on everyone to go all out to oppose creation of a United States of North American Monopolies. We urge everyone to join and develop an on-going program of active opposition and discussion amongst the workers, women, youth, all progressive and democratic forces, all national and other minorities and all working people to advance the fight against annexation and for the rights of all. We reprint below the statement issued by CPC(M-L) which represents the united stand of the working class of all three countries. On March 23, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, Mexican President Vicente Fox and United States President George W. Bush gathered in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. The meeting officially adopted the trend in North America towards absolutist monopoly rule with decision-making powers concentrated in the ruling executives using the fraud of representative democracy as a cover for this dictatorship of the monopolies. The Partnership announcement released details of specific measures to change, if necessary, or strengthen and codify in law existing arrangements regulating the activities of the monopolies and their relations with the people, other businesses and with the social and natural environment in favor of monopoly right and the trumping of public right in all matters. The Partnership agreement is another example of the transformation of the Canadian state from social democratic arrangements in the service of monopoly capital of the post-war period, to fascist arrangements in the service of the most reactionary sections of monopoly capital. It is yet another international accord with the U.S. to negate the Canadian and Mexican peoples' right to self-determination, including the indigenous peoples and Quebec, which means their very right to be. Furthermore, it imposes the darkest dictatorship on the U.S. working class and people. The negation of Mexico and Canada's sovereign right to independence and the right of the peoples of all three countries to determine their own affairs, bolsters monopoly right throughout North America. It greatly increases the danger of the destruction of all three countries with the creation of an extremely reactionary United States of North American Monopolies. It also aims to set up Fortress North America as a bulwark capable of dominating Europe and taking over Asia. The inter- imperialist rivalry with Europe concerning Asia will give rise to even more collusion and contention at the expense of the working class and peoples of those three continents. Fortress North America will lead to even more attempts to suppress the struggles of the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean for their right to self-determination and independent progress. As they boast in the Partnership agreement, the monopolies want to use their commanding base in North America -- the existing modern industrial means of production, the skilled and educated workforce, the public infrastructure and abundant natural resources, especially the energy reserves of Mexico and Canada, and the armed forces -- as an invincible fortress to compete globally, expand the U.S. empire and attack all those who would resist its domination or dare rise in competition. The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) released details of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America under two broad themes: "Advancing our Common Security and Advancing our Common Prosperity." Enunciating the agenda of big business interests, the announcement said in part: "We will work to enhance North American competitiveness ... Improve productivity through regulatory cooperation to generate growth ... Promote sectoral collaboration in energy, transportation, financial services, technology, and other areas to facilitate business ... Reduce the costs of trade through the efficient movement of goods and people ... Enhance the stewardship of our environment, create a safer and more reliable food supply while facilitating agricultural trade, and protecting our people from disease." The Partnership agreement greatly accelerates the annexation of Mexico and Canada by the United States and the consolidation of decision-making power in the hands of representatives of the most powerful North American monopolies. It is another step down the slippery road to fascist arrangements in the service of the most reactionary sections of monopoly capital. It is incredible to see how the Canadian government does all this behind the backs of the people while the political parties in Parliament blithely carry on horse-trading for self-serving advantages allegedly to favor their chances for an increased vote in the next election. According to the PMO, actions to concentrate decision-making in the hands of all-powerful ruling executives in North America include the following: "We will establish Ministerial-led working groups that will consult with stakeholders in our respective countries. These working groups will respond to the priorities of our people and our businesses, and will set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. They will identify concrete steps that our governments can take to meet these goals, and set implementation dates that will permit a rolling harvest of accomplishments. ... Within 90 days, Ministers will report back to us with their initial report. Following this, the groups will report on a semi-annual basis. Because the Partnership will be an ongoing process of cooperation, new items will be added to the work agenda by mutual agreement as circumstances warrant." The agreement to standardize regulations throughout North America and make them more amenable to monopolies; and, the agreement to destroy the independent control of energy, farming, environmental and other matters are part of the wrecking activities of the new arrangements, which in the name of serving monopoly right militate against science and enlightenment and promote ignorance in all matters that may restrict the monopolies. This allows the monopolies to use disinformation, bravado and assertion in the place of science in all matters relating to relations of production and with regard to the social and natural environment. The Partnership agreement allows the monopolies and their representative governments to militate against the skills and intelligence needed for civilization. It promotes incompetence by denouncing the establishment of validity in science and the requirement to follow independent laws and regulations of each country that depend on the developed thought matter of sovereign peoples. The Partnership agreement, together with the existing North American Free Trade Agreement, demand a regime of impunity for the monopolies and their rule by dictate, privilege and prerogative with political power concentrated in the various executive committees of the anachronistic system of representative democracy. The Partnership agreement serves to completely marginalize the sovereign peoples from the decision-making process so that they cannot exercise control over their lives. It deprives them of the information they require to take control of the affairs of the polity, thereby permitting the fraudulently elected president, U.S. imperialist chieftain George W. Bush, and the likes of Paul Martin and Vincente Fox to impose these new arrangements to negate the right to self-determination of the peoples of North America. The tiny minority that rules in North America, which has usurped power by force, is turning public institutions -- the presidential offices, parliaments, congress, courts, armed forces, public service, political parties, trade unions, cultural, social and educational institutions and even charities -- into appendages of the state to defend monopoly right and facilitate the control of North America by the most powerful monopolies. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) vigorously opposes the Partnership agreement as a recipe for the negation of the sovereign independence of the many peoples and nations of North America, and a blueprint for the monopolies of North America to expand globally through war and terror. Canadians, Mexicans and the people of the U.S. must denounce and soundly repudiate the Partnership agreement, NAFTA and U.S. empire-building, which negate the peoples and nations of the continent and feed the growth of a monstrous United States of North American Monopolies. CPC(M-L) calls on the Canadian working class and people to take this treacherous activity of the Martin Liberals very seriously. It will be used to make illegal all the demands of the workers, farmers and people for their rights and will embroil Canada in U.S. imperialist war preparations. The fact that all of it is done in the name of the high ideals of security and prosperity requires an on-going program of active opposition and discussion amongst the workers, women, youth, all progressive and democratic forces, all national and other minorities and all working people. Through active opposition and discussions the people will raise their level of consciousness and organization to better develop their plans of action to defend their interests and those of the entire society, country and peoples of the world. All Out to Oppose the Creation of
a United States of North American Monopolies! [TOP] No
to Militarization of the Border! - Buffalo Forum - Voice of Revolution is reprinting below two articles from Buffalo Forum, a weekly publication of the Buffalo branch of USMLO. As a border area, Buffalo has been an important testing ground for the militarization of the U.S.-Canada boarder and brutal impunity by the government, as well as an important site of resistance. Canadians and Americans from all walks of life are uniting as one to stand against U.S. imperialist dictate and for the rights of all peoples. * * * On March 23, U.S. President George W. Bush held a summit with Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada and President Vincente Fox of Mexico. He used the opportunity to impose U.S. imperialism's "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America." This is a "partnership" for the monopolies and their aim of world empire through use of force. As an indication of their plans, right while the summit was taking place, the Department of Homeland Security was sending more Border Patrol agents into Arizona. The government was also setting in motion its "volunteer" groups of vigilantes to join in brutalizing and terrorizing Mexican immigrants and border communities. Vigorous opposition is being organized in Arizona, Sonoma, Mexico, and elsewhere. This growing resistance shows that the peoples are not in accord with these attacks. There is growing consciousness that the stepped up policing of the border regions are signs of the fascist arrangements being imposed by the U.S. Buffalo Forum salutes these efforts to defend rights and build the unity of the peoples of all three countries. We particularly draw attention to the common concerns faced by people in border areas such as ours and those in Arizona. The U.S. is imposing an increased police and military presence, brutal government impunity, racist and religious profiling, and claims of "terrorist threats" coming from Canada and Mexico. Buffalo and Toronto are branded "home" to "terrorists." There is the recent unjust detentions of dozens of Muslims at the border, all returning from a conference in Toronto, also branded as "possible terrorists." There is the unending government collective punishment against Arabs and Arab Americans, especially in Lackawanna, New York. Now we are witnessing similar increased efforts along the border with Mexico. All of these actions are part of the U.S. effort to terrorize the peoples, justify U.S. aggression at home and abroad and more specifically to pursue the U.S. aim to annex Mexico and Canada and establish a single North American "security perimeter." As the joint statement issued by Bush, Fox and Martin put it, "We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America." The U.S. "security partnership" is a recipe for disaster for the peoples of all three countries and the brutality now being witnessed in border areas further confirms this. Let all stand together against militarization of the borders and creation of a single security perimeter. Strengthen the united resistance of all in defense of rights! [TOP] Arizona Actions Defend Immigrant Rights Activists and residents along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona are organizing to defend the rights of the many immigrants coming into the area from Mexico and of those who have lived there for many years. They are taking their stand against efforts by the government and state-organized vigilante groups to brutalize, jail and kill the men, women and children of immigrant families along the border and to do so with impunity. In the past year alone, there have been more than 180 deaths along the Arizona section of the border, a record. There have also been more than 589,800 arrests, more than those of Texas, California and New Mexico combined. Now, 500 more Border Patrol agents are being sent into the area, with 1500 more planned. These are in addition to the 2,400 already patrolling about 350 miles of border with Mexico. Alongside these state agents are what can be called the government's "citizen soldiers." These groups are volunteers, usually organized by former border agents, military personnel, police and large landowners. Many are armed and all engage in efforts to terrorize the people coming across the border for work. They promote openly racist and anti-immigrant views, striving to stir up fear and divisions among the people while leaving the government to appear as non-racists. In April, one such group, calling themselves the "Minutemen," is organizing to bring volunteers to "patrol" the Arizona section of the border. They join several other groups who have been organizing for several years, continuing the centuries-long efforts by the government against the peoples of the region. As an earlier report by Border Action Network (BAN), one of the organizers of the April protests to defend rights brings out: "Clad in camouflage fatigues with homemade "badges," using high-tech equipment and operating out of secret "headquarters," anti-immigrant vigilante groups in southern Arizona are taking the law into their own hands. Heavily armed, these groups are rounding up undocumented border crossers at gunpoint, and turning them in to the federal authorities. In some cases, immigrants have been injured and brutally killed. "Among the core vigilante groups operating in Southern Arizona are the Texas-based "Ranch Rescue"; Sierra Vista/Douglas businessman Roger Barnett, the "American Border Patrol," led by California-based radio talk show host and self-proclaimed "immigration control activist" Glenn Spencer; and the newly forming "Civilian Homeland Defense," called to arms by the recently transplanted Californian and Tombstone newspaper owner, Chris Simcox (co-organizer of the "Minutemen") "In a post-September 11th climate and with an Administration that has supported secret detentions of immigrants, military tribunals, and neighbors reporting on the activities of neighbors, border vigilantes have been attempting to fuel anxieties about terrorism and national security. [...] Arizona vigilantes have created a climate of fear and anxiety that further justifies the aggressive and forceful tactics they claim are necessary to `protect our borders.'" (See www.borderactionnetwork.org for more information and full report.) As part of their work to prepare the report, BAN did door to door work, speaking with a representative sample of more than 150 residents. Not a single one supported the vigilantes and on-going attacks on immigrants. BAN, along with others are organizing actions to give voice to the stand of the people of the area against militarization and impunity on the border. They are targeting the state and its vigilante groups and organizing to unite all in defense of rights. Below is a sample of actions taking place. TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE "MINUTEMEN" IN APRIL End Vigilante Hate Crimes and Impunity on the Border! Don't Let Elected Officials Off the Hook! April 1st: Tombstone Rally April 1st, Tombstone Rally Friday, April 1, 10am: Corner of Speed-way and Stone (Tucson): meet for rides/carpool to Tombstone; 1pm: Events begin in downtown Tombstone, at Schieffelin Hall Protest "Minutemen" Vigilantes! For the entire month of April, vigilantes from around the country will descend on southern Arizona to "patrol the border" for undocumented migrants. Wielding rhetoric of "alien invasion" and "terrorist threat," these blustering reactionaries plan to draw national attention to a border situation that they do not understand. They plan to whip up fear of our Latin American sisters and brothers, and to pressure the US government to further militarize the border. We can not allow the "Minutemen" the real invaders to go unresponded to. Those of us who live in the border region and know the devastating effects of militarization and racist fearmongering need to challenge the vigilantes and their dangerous rhetoric. If we ignore the fearmongers and let them prance around for the media unopposed, they will not go away they will only get stronger. This is a threat that must be confronted." They conclude: "We need to show them that we are AGAINST militarizing the border and the further brutalizing of migrants, indigenous communities, and local ecosystems. Bring three friends! Si Se Puede!" Call-in Against the Minutemen End Vigilante Hate Crimes and Impunity on the Border. Call these officials. Cochise County Attorney Ed Rheinheimer Arizona Attorney-General Terry Goddard Arizona US Attorney Paul Charlton Sandy Raynor (Charlton's public affairs person) There are four civil suits filed against vigilante groups for violating the rights of undocumented immigrants and US citizens. These four are not isolated incidents, rather they show a horrendous pattern of vigilante violence against Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans. The groups impersonate law enforcement officers, they illegally detain people, they threaten people with deadly weapons, and there are dozens of incidents where people have been beaten, kicked, shot at, dragged by their hair and threatened by vigilantes. [TOP] Government Still Refuses to Apologize Border Detentions of Area Muslims Go Unpunished - Buffalo Forum - In yet another public forum with government officials, the many victims of the brutal and unjust detention of dozens of area Muslims in December again received no apology. More than this, they were subjected to the insult and frustration of having the Department of Homeland Security send an official who admitted, repeatedly, that his office had no answers. In perhaps the sharpest expression of this lack of answers, Daniel Sutherland, representative of DHS at the meeting, from their office for civil rights and himself a civil rights lawyer, responded to a question about whether he thought there had been any civil rights violations by saying he did not know, because he did not know all the facts. After the forum, a participant speaking with Buffalo Forum said, "Here are the facts we all know: 1) none of those stopped, forcibly photographed and fingerprinted had committed any crime; 2) according to border officials, none were suspected of committing a crime; 3) all had their documents in order; 4) all were Muslims returning from a conference about Islam in Toronto; 5) a number were elderly, with medical problems, and children. These facts clearly indicate that the government, even by its own standards, had no basis to detain and fingerprint those involved, most of them citizens. They indicate discrimination, harassment and excessive use of force, all of which are civil rights violations. What possible facts could there be to justify these detentions? And why doesn't the office responsible for investigating such crimes have all the facts?" The forum, the second at the University at Buffalo on the subject, saw about 75 people, a number of them victims of the unjust detentions, patiently listen, expecting answers and getting none. Participants again heard testimony of the brutality of the government, targeting and terrorizing people on the basis of their religion and humiliating them in front of their families and friends. An elderly professor, suffering from chronic arthritis, was stopped, interrogated repeatedly and forced to sit for hours, causing great pain. Others were handcuffed in front of their children and forcibly dragged off. Women and children were also interrogated. Invariably the government asked whether they had ties to terrorist organizations. Invariably they answered no. Invariably they were asked again, and again. At the forum, Mr. Sutherland said, again, that the testimony and concerns raised about the detentions "were heard," by top DHS officials. That being the case, the only conclusion those present could draw about the refusal of DHS to apologize and the refusal of Mr. Sutherland's department to pursue charges is that the government will not punish those responsible and will not guarantee an end to such profiling and discrimination. [TOP] Joint Statement by President Bush, President Fox, and Prime Minister Martin March 23, 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, gather in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Over the past decade, our three nations have taken important steps to expand economic opportunity for our people and to create the most vibrant and dynamic trade relationship in the world. Since September 11, 2001, we have also taken significant new steps to address the threat of terrorism and to enhance the security of our people. But more needs to be done. In a rapidly changing world, we must develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient. Our Partnership will accomplish these objectives through a trilateral effort to increase the security, prosperity, and quality of life of our citizens. This work will be based on the principle that our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary, and will reflect our shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic values and institutions. Also, it will help consolidate our action into a North American framework to confront security and economic challenges, and promote the full potential of our people, addressing disparities and increasing opportunities for all. Our Partnership is committed to reach the highest results to advance the security and well-being of our people. The Partnership is trilateral in concept; while allowing any two countries to move forward on an issue, it will create a path for the third to join later. Advancing Our Common Security We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared borders. As part of our efforts, we will: Implement common border security and bioprotection strategies; Enhance critical infrastructure protection, and implement a common approach to emergency response; Implement improvements in aviation and maritime security, combat transnational threats, and enhance intelligence partnerships; and Implement a border facilitation strategy to build capacity and improve the legitimate flow of people and cargo at our shared borders. Advancing our Common Prosperity We will work to enhance North American competitiveness and improve the quality of life of our people. Among other things, we will: Improve productivity through regulatory cooperation to generate growth, while maintaining high standards for health and safety; Promote sectoral collaboration in energy, transportation, financial services, technology, and other areas to facilitate business; and invest in our people; Reduce the costs of trade through the efficient movement of goods and people; and Enhance the stewardship of our environment, create a safer and more reliable food supply while facilitating agricultural trade, and protect our people from disease. Next Steps We will establish Ministerial-led working groups that will consult with stakeholders in our respective countries. These working groups will respond to the priorities of our people and our businesses, and will set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. They will identify concrete steps that our governments can take to meet these goals, and set implementation dates that will permit a rolling harvest of accomplishments. Within 90 days, Ministers will report back to us with their initial report. Following this, the groups will report on a semi-annual basis. Because the Partnership will be an ongoing process of cooperation, new items will be added to the work agenda by mutual agreement as circumstances warrant. Through this Partnership, we will ensure that North America remains the most economically dynamic region of the world and a secure home for our people in this and future generations. [TOP] Mexico, U.S., Canada Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America We reprint below infromation from three fact sheets relased March 23, 2005 by the White House, Office of the Press Secretary, which present details on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. SECURITY AGENDA We are launching the next generation of our common security strategy to further secure North America and ensure the streamlined movement of legitimate travelers and cargo across our shared borders. To this end, Canada, the United States, and Mexico will work together to ensure the highest continent-wide security standards and streamlined risk-based border processes are achieved in the following priority areas: Secure North America from external threats Develop and implement a North American traveler security strategy, to include consistent outcomes with compatible processes, for screening prior to departure from a foreign port and at the first port of entry to North America. Develop and implement a North American cargo security strategy to ensure compatible screening methods for goods and cargo prior to departure from a foreign port and at the first point of entry to North America. Develop and implement a North American bio-protection strategy to assess, prevent, protect, detect, and respond to intentional, as well as applicable naturally occurring threats to public health and the food and agriculture system. Prevent and respond to threats within North America Develop and implement a strategy to enhance North American maritime transportation and port security. Develop and implement a strategy to establish equivalent approaches to aviation security for North America. Develop and implement a comprehensive North American strategy for combating transnational threats to the United States, Canada, and Mexico, including terrorism, organized crime, illegal drugs, migrant and contraband smuggling and trafficking. Enhance partnerships on intelligence related to North American security. Develop and implement a common approach to critical infrastructure protection, and response to cross-border terrorist incidents and, as applicable, natural disasters. Further streamline the secure movement of low-risk traffic across our shared borders Develop and implement a border-facilitation strategy to build capacity and improve the legitimate flow of people and cargo at ports of entry within North America. Identify, develop, and deploy new technologies to advance our shared security goals and promote the legitimate flow of people and goods across our borders. Promoting Growth, Competitiveness and Quality of Life To enhance the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace and to provide greater economic opportunity for all of our societies, while maintaining high standards of health and safety for our people, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will work together, and in consultation with stakeholders, to: Improve Productivity, Regulatory Cooperation to Generate Growth Lower costs for North American businesses, producers, and consumers and maximize trade in goods and services across our borders by striving to ensure compatibility of regulations and standards and eliminating redundant testing and certification requirements. Strengthen regulatory cooperation, including at the onset of the regulatory process, to minimize barriers. Sectoral Collaboration to Facilitate Business Explore new approaches to enhance the competitiveness of North American industries by promoting greater cooperation in sectors such as autos, steel, and other sectors identified through consultations. Strengthen North America's energy markets by working together, according to our respective legal frameworks, to increase reliable energy supplies for the region's needs and development, by facilitating investment in energy infrastructure, technology improvements, production and reliable delivery of energy; by enhancing cooperation to identify and utilize best practices, and to streamline and update regulations; and by promoting energy efficiency, conservation, and technologies such as clean coal, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and renewable energy. Improve the safety and efficiency of North America's transportation system by expanding market access, facilitating multimodal corridors, reducing congestion, and alleviating bottlenecks at the border that inhibit growth and threaten our quality of life (e.g., expand air services agreements, increase airspace capacity, initiate an Aviation Safety Agreement process, pursue smart border information technology initiatives, ensure compatibility of regulations and standards in areas such as statistics, motor carrier and rail safety, and working with responsible jurisdictions, develop mechanisms for enhanced road infrastructure planning, including an inventory of border transportation infrastructure in major corridors and public-private financing instruments for border projects). Work towards the freer flow of capital and the efficient provision of financial services throughout North America (e.g., facilitate cross-border electronic access to stock exchanges without compromising investor protection, further collaboration on training programs for bank, insurance and securities regulators and supervisors, seek ways to improve convenience and cost of insurance coverage for carriers engaged in cross border commerce). Stimulate and accelerate cross-border technology trade by preventing unnecessary barriers from being erected (e.g., agree on mutual recognition of technical requirements for telecommunications equipment, tests and certification; adopt a framework of common principles for e-commerce). Investing in Our People Work through the Partnership for Prosperity and the Canada-Mexico Partnership to strengthen our cooperation in the development of human capital in North America, including by expanding partnerships in higher education, science, and technology. Reduce the Costs of Trade Efficient Movement of Goods Lower the transaction costs of trade in goods by liberalizing the requirements for obtaining duty-free treatment under NAFTA, including through the reduction of "rules of origin" costs on goods traded between our countries. Each country should have in place procedures to allow speedy implementation of rules of origin modifications. Increase competitiveness by exploring additional supply chain options, such as by rationalizing minor differences in external tariffs, consistent with multilateral negotiation strategies. Efficient Movement of People Identify measures to facilitate further the movement of business persons within North America and discuss ways to reduce taxes and other charges residents face when returning from other North American countries. Enhance the Quality of Life Joint Stewardship of our Environment Expand cooperative work to improve air quality, including reducing sulphur in fuels, mercury emissions, and marine emissions. Enhance water quality by working bilaterally, trilaterally and through existing regional bodies such as the International Boundary and Water Commission and the International Joint Commission. Combat the spread of invasive species in both coastal and fresh waters. Enhance partnerships and incentives to conserve habitat for migratory species, thereby protecting biodiversity. Develop complementary strategies for oceans stewardship by emphasizing an ecosystem approach, coordinating and integrating existing marine managed areas, and improving fisheries management. Creating a Safer and More Reliable Food Supply while Facilitating Agricultural Trade Pursue common approaches to enhanced food safety and accelerate the identification, management and recovery from foodborne and animal and plant disease hazards, which will also facilitate trade. Enhance laboratory coordination and information-sharing by conducting targeted bilateral and/or trilateral activities to establish a mechanism to exchange information on laboratory methods and to build confidence regarding each other's testing procedures and results. Increase cooperation in the development of regulatory policy related to the agricultural biotechnology sectors in Canada, Mexico and the United States, through the work of the North American Biotechnology Initiative (NABI). Protect Our People from Disease Enhance public health cross-border coordination in infectious diseases surveillance, prevention and control (e.g., pandemic influenza). Improve the health of our indigenous people through targeted bilateral and/or trilateral activities, including in health promotion, health education, disease prevention, and research. Building upon cooperative efforts under the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, work towards the identification and adoption of best practices relating to the registration of medicinal products. NORTH AMERICAN PROSPERITY DEPENDS ON SECURITY Through the SPP, the United States, Canada, and Mexico seek to: Establish a cooperative approach to advance our common security and prosperity. Develop a common security strategy to further secure North America, focusing on: -- Securing North America from external threats; -- Preventing and responding to threats within North America; and -- Streamlining the secure and efficient movement of legitimate and low-risk traffic across our shared borders. Promote economic growth, competitiveness, and quality of life. Through cooperation and information sharing, the SPP will work toward: -- Improving productivity; -- Reducing the costs of trade; and -- Enhancing the joint stewardship of our environment, facilitating agricultural trade while creating a safer and more reliable food supply, and protecting our people from disease. The SPP is based on the principle that our prosperity is dependent on our security, and recognizes that our three great nations are bound by a shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic institutions. At the meeting, President Bush, Prime Minister Martin, and President Fox released Security and Prosperity Agendas to further protect and secure North America from 21st Century threats and to increase economic opportunities for the people of North America while maintaining high standards of health and safety. Following the meeting, and based on the content of the Security and Prosperity Agendas, each nation will establish ministerial-level Security and Prosperity Partnership working groups. The working groups will: -- Consult with stakeholders (in the business sector, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations) in their respective countries; -- Set specific, measurable, and achievable goals and implementation dates;-- Identify concrete steps the governments can take to achieve these goals; -- Within 90 days (June 2005) report back to the Heads of Government with their initial report; and semi-annual progress reports thereafter. Areas of Focus and Responsibility The following U.S. working groups will be established: Security working groups chaired by Secretary Chertoff and the Department of Homeland Security will address: -- External Threats to North America -- Streamlined and Secured Shared Borders -- Prevention/Response within North America Prosperity working groups chaired by Secretary Gutierrez and the Department of Commerce will address: -- Manufactured Goods -- Energy Food and Agriculture -- Business Facilitation -- E-Commerce and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) -- Transportation -- Environment -- Financial Services -- Rules of Origin Secretary Rice and the Department of State will work with the Departments of Homeland Security and Commerce to integrate the work of the Security and Prosperity working groups, and ensure that it advances U.S. foreign policy goals and enhances our strong relations with Canada and Mexico. Relationship to Other Initiatives The SPP will complement, rather than replace, existing bilateral and trilateral fora and working groups that are performing well. It establishes leader-level priorities for ongoing and new trilateral and bilateral initiatives, giving existing efforts additional momentum, and creating new programs and initiatives where necessary and appropriate. The SPP will enhance and strengthen our ongoing security efforts, such as the Smart Border Accord, the Border Partnership Action Plan, and the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Initiative. The SPP builds upon, but is separate from, our long-standing trade and economic relationships, and it energizes other aspects of our cooperative relations, such as the protection of our environment, our food supply, and our public health. The issues of immigration and trade disputes will be dealt with outside the SPP through existing treaties and congressional action. |
of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization |