Step Up United Resistance! Elaborating the Strategy of Fascism and War Statements on the London Bombings |
Do Not Permit London Killings to Justify U.S. War and State Terrorism
The U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization condemns the wanton killings in London July 7th and rejects terrorism of all kinds. We oppose the targeting of innocent civilians and convey our condolences to the families and loved ones of all those killed. We also vigorously reject the brutal crimes and state terrorism of U.S. imperialism, in Iraq and worldwide. We hold the U.S. responsible for the violence and chaos being unleashed on a world scale as it seeks world domination. Bush proclaims that it is the “war on terrorism” that will bring security. But Americans have experienced otherwise and are drawing the conclusion that it is an end to U.S. aggression and repression that will provide greater security. Were Bush to proclaim the end of the occupation in Iraq today, there would be greater security for all. This is the demand of the vast majority and it is by increasing united resistance to U.S. war and terrorism that peace and security can be achieved. We call on all Americans to resist efforts by Bush to use the London bombing to justify far more ruthless war and repression against the peoples, at home and abroad. We Americans now have more than three years of experience of the imperialists using September 11 to justify crimes and atrocities against humanity. We have experienced the mass jailing and detentions, the collective punishment of Arab communities, the many police state measures, all in the name of “stopping terrorism.” We have also experienced the profound unity achieved by taking our stand with the peoples of the world against U.S. imperialism and all its destruction. Through numerous actions, the calls to impeach Bush, the demand to end the occupation of Iraq, we are saying to the world that we do not want or need a war president and we do not want or need the “war on terrorism.” At a time when anger and rejection of Bush and war in Iraq is growing and widespread, at a time when the peoples are demanding that their rights be defended not trampled on, at a time when hundreds of thousands are rallying against the big imperialist powers and fighting for Another World, the London bombing is being used to divert people and disrupt the rising resistance. It must not be permitted! It should also be recognized that when Bush says the “war on terrorism” will go on, it means far greater military repression at home as well as abroad. This was readily apparent by the response of the government and its monopoly media. The news media simultaneously broadcast Homeland Security experts saying it is “impossible” to protect mass transit systems and showed the massive police presence, with their machine guns at the ready, at subway stations in New York City and nationwide. We are at once to be terrorized at the thought that bombings can occur and accept that the military occupation of the cities is the only solution. U.S. imperialism has no solutions and every day shows that it is the main source of war and fascism today. It is by persisting in building united resistance and relying on the people themselves to achieve Another World that progress can be gained. USMLO salutes the successful actions carried out in Scotland against the G8 powers, which are led by the U.S. We salute the struggles of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America to determine their own affairs free of U.S. interference. We salute all those across the country today condemning the U.S. crimes against the people. Let No One Be Diverted! Step Up United Resistance to U.S. Imperialism!
[TOP] Broad Opposition to the Draft and Recruiting On the basis of concerted anti-recruitment efforts by youth, parents and New York School District officials, especially Superintendent William Cala of the Fairport District near Rochester, a poll was recently taken on whether schools should turn over information to the military. The poll was conducted in June by the New York State School Board Association (NYSSBA). The content of the poll specifically went against the current set-up. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires schools to give the military names, addresses and phone numbers of juniors and seniors unless parents “opt out” by asking schools to withhold the information. This “opt-out” method is directly contrary to the standard that parents have to provide permission, or “opt-in,” for the schools to release any information to anyone. The poll asked if federal law should be changed to an “opt-in” system. Thousands participated, with the vast majority saying yes, an “opt-in” system should be required. This is one among many means that parents and youth expressed their opposition to military recruiters in the schools. Nationwide, various school districts are refusing to administer the military tests, refusing any recruiters on campus and refusing to submit to the NCLB requirements, even under threat of losing federal funding. Opposition among parents is running so high that the Army has designed a new ad campaign directed at undermining their opposition. A reflection of the broad opposition was also seen in the recent Associated Press poll, which confirmed that the vast majority of people are opposed to a draft. The majority is also rejecting the pressure, just repeated by Bush on June 28th, that parents should encourage their sons and daughters to become cannon fodder for war. The majority are saying No and supporting resistance to the military, in the schools and among soldiers. This reality is making it very difficult for Bush and the military to go forward with plans to impose a draft. Preparations for a draft, however, are continuing. The draft was forced to end in 1973 as part of the broad opposition to the Vietnam War. The Selective Service System (SSS) was reestablished in 1980 and continues to consolidate arrangements to reinstitute the draft. At present, all males have been required to register with the Selective Service when they turn 18. The draft pool currently consists of about 15 million registrants. In addition, the SSS is putting in place the ability to draft medical personnel, linguists, and computer network engineers if called on to do so. The SSS has also proposed revamping the draft to include the registration of women and the expansion of age limits for recruits. The military has responded to the deepening recruiting and retention crisis by repeatedly issuing “stop-loss” orders, dramatically increasing enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses, spending hundreds of millions of additional dollars on advertising, further lowering its entry standards, raising the maximum age for recruits to 39, granting citizenship to immigrants who enlist, engaging in increasingly deceptive and desperate recruiting tactics, adding over 1,200 new recruiters, creating shorter enlistment options for new recruits, and more. Most recruits continue to be drawn from poor and working class families, with minorities comprising a disproportionate number of those recruited. The level of resistance is such that the Army and Marines continue to fall behind their monthly and annual recruiting goals. The Army, for example, has repeatedly missed its monthly recruiting goals this year, falling short by 42 percent in April. Lowered May 2005 enlistment quotas also went unmet, with the lowered level for June just met. In addition, all four branches of military service are having trouble attracting recruits to their reserve forces. About half the troops in Iraq are from the reserves. Anti-recruitment campaigns are growing nationwide with numerous webpages, pamphlets and hotlines organizing to assist youth in resisting recruiters in their schools and to aid those already in the military who want to leave. Various organizations including those of military families are also speaking out against the war crimes being committed in Iraq and supporting resistance inside and outside the military. [TOP] Elaborating the Strategy of Fascism and War President George W. Bush spoke at Fort Bragg, in Fayetteville, North Carolina on June 28th, the one year anniversary of the fraudulent transfer of power in Iraq. As Bush put it, a year ago the U.S. “restored sovereignty to the Iraqi people.” A year of occupation later, Bush emphasized that the war against Iraq will continue and no troops will be withdrawn. Bush spoke before a military audience of Special Forces and Airborne troops. Outside, military families and activists organized a protest, demanding an end to the war in Iraq and impeachment of Bush for lies and war crimes. Fayetteville, a long-standing military town, was also the site of a large anti-war action March 19th, part of a global day of action when hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. and worldwide stood up for humanity and demanded an end to imperialist wars and aggression. It is likely not an accident then, that Bush chose Fayetteville to elaborate the U.S. strategy for war and fascism worldwide. Bush began his speech speaking as the Commander-in-Chief. He also imbued the role of the president with militarist content saying, “My greatest responsibility as President is to protect the American people.” Throughout the speech, Bush makes clear that the role of the president is not providing for the security and well being of the people, but to “protect” them using military force. A main aim of this speech was to defend and justify the U.S. “war on terrorism” and brutal acts of aggression to “take the fight to the enemy.” Consistent with the Pentagon’s national defense and military strategies, Bush emphasized that the U.S. will take preemptive military action and do so anywhere. He said, “We fight today because terrorists want to attack our country and kill our citizens and Iraq is where they are making their stand. So we’ll fight them there, we’ll fight them across the world, and we will stay in the fight until the fight is won.” Bush spoke to the war in Iraq almost exclusively from this perspective of the “war on terrorism.” There was no mention of regime change, no mention of weapons of mass destruction, no mention of the lies now well known. Instead, the war in Iraq is being fought because Iraq is a “central front in the war on terror.” Bush said, “Our mission in Iraq is clear. We’re hunting down the terrorists.” He added, “The principle task of our military is to find and defeat the terrorists,” and to train the Iraqis to do the same. Bush insisted that progress has been made in Iraq over the past year and that the U.S. will not withdraw troops or leave Iraq until its “mission is complete.” While evidently forgetting that he proclaimed “mission accomplished” more than a year ago, Bush said, “To complete the mission, we will continue to hunt down the terrorists and insurgents.” Equating the resistance with terrorism, he claimed that those opposing the occupation in the streets of Baghdad are “followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, in Washington and Pennsylvania. There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home.” Bush seems to think that the best way to sell war and fascism to Americans is to remind them of September 11 and terrorize them with the prospect of another one. He emphasizes the chauvinism of the ruling circles that proclaims that lives everywhere else are nothing and that any crime can be carried out in the name of “saving American lives.” This chauvinism, along with all the lies about war against Iraq, is being rejected, as was reflected in the actions in Fayetteville. Americans increasingly oppose the war in Iraq on principle—oppose it an aggressive illegal war, its entire conduct a crime against humanity. Bush also elaborates a key part of the current strategy to develop a single joint military force that includes allies, all under U.S. command. He explains that “NATO is establishing a military academy near Baghdad to train the next generation of Iraqi military leaders and 17 nations are contributing troops to the NATO training mission. Iraqi army and police are being trained by personnel from Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Australia and the United Kingdom.” He adds that “we are partnering coalition units with Iraqi units,” and “embedding ‘transition teams’ inside Iraqi units. These teams are made up of coalition officers and noncommissioned officers who live, work and fight together with their Iraqi comrades. Under U.S. command they are providing battlefield advice and assistance to Iraqi forces during combat operations. Between battles they are assisting the Iraqis with important skills, such as urban combat, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance techniques.” Bush made clear that the only “free Iraq” acceptable to the U.S. is one modeled on U.S.-style democracy and serving as an ally in the “war on terrorism.” This includes having a market economy, U.S.-style elections, and “equality under the law,” said the Commander in Chief of Abu Ghraib prison. He said that “the rise of freedom in this vital region will eliminate the conditions that feed radicalism and ideologies of murder and make our nation safer.” He repeated, “the rise of [U.S.-style] democracy will be the ultimate triumph over radicalism and terror.” In this way Bush speaks to the battle now raging worldwide for radical change that favors the people. Bush is expressing the terror of the ruling circles with their own defeat, with the ultimate triumph expressed in the people’s call Another World is Possible! To try and block this drive, life is turned on its head. Those rising in resistance are branded as terrorists and given the characteristics of the U.S. imperialists. Bush claimed, “We’re fighting against men with blind hatred — and armed with lethal weapons—who are capable of any atrocity. They wear no uniform (this in a room full of Special Forces!), they respect no laws of warfare or morality. They take innocent lives and create chaos for the cameras. They are trying to shake our will in Iraq just as they tried to shake our will on September the 11 2001. They will fail.” Bush attempts here not only to equate resistance with terrorism, but to create a sense of shame in all those calling to end the occupation, especially among Americans. According to Bush, imbued with imperialist chauvinism, those calling for withdrawal are unable to meet the “test” to defend the “great ideal of freedom entrusted to us in a special way.” He emphasized that meeting this “test” means getting behind the war and joining the military, saying there is “no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces.” He concludes with an appeal that makes the U.S. and the military one and the same, saying that all those he brands enemies “are no match for the United States of America and they are no match for the men and women of the United States military.” The Iraqi people are daily showing that a people defending their rights are a determined match for U.S. imperialism. History has and is showing that the greatest calling for human beings is to contribute to the advance of humanity and the principles it has given rise to. And the growing broad struggle of the peoples for their rights here and abroad shows that even the dark reaction that is U.S. imperialism can not stop this forward march. [TOP] Ruling Circles Haunted by Defeat in Iraq The difficulty the ruling circles face in achieving their success in Iraq was the focus of response to Bush’s June 28th speech by the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) and their leading advocates among the Democrats, like former presidential candidate John Kerry of Massachusetts. The DLC is a leading voice of the ruling class across party lines. This was evident by their direct support for Bush. They praised Bush’s “resolve” to win the war against Iraq and said the problem is the need for “adjustments in policies as well as fidelity to basic goals.” The DLC emphasized the common stand of the ruling class that it is necessary to pursue the war and occupation against Iraq. Again supporting Bush, the DLC said the “best feature” of his speech was “Bush’s clear statement disavowing any thought of a quick withdrawal from Iraq, or of accepting an arbitrary deadline for withdrawal that might give the insurgents a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’.” The DLC also expressed the morbid concern of the ruling class with defeat. Indeed their main criticism of Bush is that his speech did not convince Americans of the “unacceptable cost of failure in Iraq.” Calling on Americans to completely dismiss their own experience and the reality of untold U.S. war crimes in Iraq, the DLC argued Bush should have said: “I know many of you now think my original decision to invade Iraq was a mistake, or that we’ve made mistakes since the invasion as well. I don’t agree with you, but it really doesn’t matter at this point to anyone other than historians. We are where we are, and all Americans, whether they supported or opposed the war, or have changed their minds in one direction or another, need to understand the unacceptable cost of failure in Iraq and unite to get the job done.” For the ruling circles nothing matters but their success. The principles achieved by humanity against aggression and massacres of civilians, “doesn’t matter.” The broad experience of resistance in Iraq and the U.S. “doesn’t matter.” All that matters is preventing failure — that is, preventing victory by the Iraqi people, which would serve the peoples everywhere. Senator John Kerry echoed the ruling class concern about failure, saying “It’s long past time to get it right in Iraq.” What is needed, he emphasized, is a “strategy to succeed.” He said Americans “demand real leadership and a strategy for success in this war that gets our troops home. If the President does this he will begin to restore the confidence of the American people and the respect of the world.” The DLC complained that Bush did not do this and then concluded with a rather ominous statement that “America’s fortunate to have other and better weapons to win the peace in Iraq than presidential rhetoric.” Kerry outlined a plan geared toward forcing other countries to fight U.S. wars and toward restoring U.S. legitimacy. He said Bush must “announce immediately that the United States will not have a permanent military presence in Iraq. Erasing suspicions that the occupation is indefinite is critical to eroding the support for the insurgency.” Erasing “suspicions” he said, not the reality of four more U.S. bases already under construction. He also claimed the “huge [U.S.] military presence stands between the Iraqi people and chaos and our special forces protect Iraqi leaders.” He said this shows the U.S. is “doing their part” and now “the Iraqis must do theirs.” This includes having the Iraqi government sanction the already notorious U.S. sponsored death squad in Iraq, the Shiite Badr Brigade, as a “National-Guard type force that can provide security in their own areas.” Kerry called for more forces to come under U.S. command in the area, specifically naming Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, France, Germany and India. He said Bush should “draw up a detailed plan with clear milestones and deadlines for the transfer of military and police responsibilities to Iraqis after the December elections. The plan should be shared with Congress.” This is clearly directed against the demand of the majority of Americans for withdrawal now, as well as the more than 40 Congresspeople calling for a withdrawal timetable. It also reveals that Kerry and the DLC are among those reducing Congress to a consultative body, that Bush “shares” plans with. Under the Constitution Congress is the decision-making body for war and for all prisoners captured during war time. Kerry also concluded with the concern that Americans are not behind the rulers in their path of war, and with a hint of a threat, saying “The next months are critical to Iraq’s future and our security. If Mr. Bush fails to take these steps, we will stumble along, our troops at greater risk, casualties rising, costs rising, the patience of the American people wearing thin, and the specter of quagmire staring us in the face. Our troops deserve better: they deserve leadership equal to their sacrifice.” [TOP] Pentagon Expands Spying on Youth A May 23, 2005, notice in the Federal Register announced that the Pentagon is hiring a private company to expand spying on an estimated 25 million Americans, through collecting personal information using a massive “data-mining” system. The information often includes private information such as schools records. The Pentagon program is directly linked to military recruiting campaigns. And while individuals can still opt-out of recruitment, they cannot opt-out of this enormous military database. The “Joint Advertising, Market Research and Studies (JAMRS) system” reportedly went into effect June 22, 2005. The purpose of the JAMRS system is to “provide a single central facility within the Department of Defense to compile, process and distribute files of individuals who meet age and minimum school requirements for military service,” according to the official notice of the program. Currently, all American males aged 18 to 25 are required to register with the Selective Service and provide their social security number. The Selective Service would manage a military draft if it is reinstituted. The JAMRS is designed to get private information on a much larger section of the population. Alongside Selective Service registrants, the various people to be targeted by the military include: names of high school students, aged 16-18; current college students; individuals who have taken the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test; individuals who have responded to various advertising campaigns seeking enlistment information since July 1992; current military personnel who are on Active Duty or in the Reserves; individuals who are in the process of enlisting; and individuals who have asked to be removed from any future recruitment lists. The information kept on each person includes name, gender, address, birthday and, if available, the Social Security number, ethnicity, e-mail address, telephone number, high school, college, graduation dates, grade-point average, education level and military test scores, the notice in the register said. State motor vehicle departments and commercial information brokers will be among those used to secure the information. The military has hired BeNow Inc. of Wakefield, Massachusetts, one of many marketing firms that conduct “data-mining,” for the JAMRS. It is not known how much BeNow’s contract is worth. The program is designed to especially target youth, including those only sixteen, for the military and also no doubt to identify those opposed to the military. It can be used for a draft that includes large numbers of people beyond those currently forced to register with the Selective Service. Clearly, the Pentagon can also make use of the profiles developed in many other ways, including sharing it with other spy and police agencies nationally and internationally for purposes of counterintelligence and suppression of dissent, sharing it with state tax authorities, college loan agencies, other government agencies, and so on. This is all being done without the consent or knowledge of the individuals involved and in violation of well-established privacy laws. The expanded Pentagon spying is being done in the context of the rapid integration of the military with civilian policing agencies, eliminating any division between military and civilian operations. It is also being done in the face of growing resistance in Iraq and a deepening military recruiting and retention crisis, part of the broad anti-war sentiment in the country. One part of this is the increasing opposition to Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, requiring high schools to hand over information on students. Many parents have denounced and rejected these requirements and opposed the military’s invasion of their lives with endless phone calls, violent videos and other war games brought to the schools. “Our youth do not exist for the military,” said one angry mother. “We want the recruiters out of our schools.” [TOP] No To Police State Arrangements National Guard Spies on Anti-War Demonstrators California’s National Guard last year secretly set up a special spy unit that has been given “broad authority” to spy on Americans and to share information gathered with other government agencies. Last month, as one example, the unit spied on a Mother’s Day anti-war rally at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Sacramento. The rally called for the return of all National Guard troops by Labor Day. Dozens of people participated in the rally organized by CodePink, Gold Star Families for Peace, an organization of families of soldiers killed in Iraq and the Raging Grannies. Lieutenant Colonel Stan Zezotarski of the California Guard attempted to justify the spying with the disinformation that it is protesters who are violent. He said the military would be “negligent” in not spying on such events because they could “disintegrate into a riot that could prompt the governor to call out troops. It’s nothing subversive. Because who knows who could infiltrate that type of group and try to stir something up? After all, we live in the age of terrorism, so who knows?” Protesters expressed their anger at being branded terrorists and also made clear that the spying will not deter them. Said Natalie Wormeli of CodePink, “We’ve just had the 12th California National Guardsman killed. We’re more concerned about their safety and ending this unjust war…. We’re not going to change what we’re doing because we’re not doing anything illegal or -dangerous.” In response to broad outrage among the people, a California congresswoman and state senator Joseph Dunn are planning separate hearings into the activities of the spy unit. Dunn, whose budget subcommittee oversees funding for the California National Guard, recently ordered the Guard to turn over all documents about the unit, including all information collected about citizens. While the Guard shares this information with all police agencies, it continues to refuse to share it with the public. The spy unit is directly teamed with local and state law enforcement. It includes nine soldiers and airmen, seven that work with the State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center and two that monitor the military’s classified e-mail system. Colonel Robert J. O’Neill, a veteran intelligence officer who was recently assigned as director of the spy program, is expected to “exercise a high degree of independent judgment and discretion,” reported the San Jose Mercury News. Colonel O’Neill envisions the spy unit “as being a one-stop shop for local, state and national law enforcement to share information. Intelligence officers will have access to sensitive national security information that they can analyze and potentially share with state and local law enforcement.” He made clear that “We are trying to integrate into their systems and bring them information that they don’t have.” Known as the “Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence Fusion program,” the project is part of continually expanding government measures nationwide putting in place a “seamless total force.” This “total force” eliminates the long-standing division between military and civilian operations, long considered a hallmark of U.S.-style democracy, and gives the military a central role in all domestic and international affairs. In related news, an “intelligence fusion center” is also being set up in the state police headquarters in Massachusetts. [TOP] Bomb Outrages Must Not Divert the Movement Against Neo-Liberal Globalization and War The Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) condemns the bombings on the London Underground and transport system. The Party expresses deep sympathy for the injured and the families of those who have suffered the tragic loss of life and distress. These bombings have caused widespread outrage across the country and abroad. Equally shocking and sickening, however, have been the protestations of the leaders of the capitalist world gathered at the G8 Summit at Gleneagles, particularly those from George W. Bush and Tony Blair. Their comments are unconscionable. These war criminals have the blood of tens of thousands, including their own soldiers, on their hands. Shamelessly they draw a contrast between themselves and those they say are bent only on “killing innocent people”. How can they, with their record, accuse others of killing innocent people while claiming that they are devoted to addressing the problems of the world’s poor, as upholders of human rights and freedom? RCPB(M-L) condemns the use of bombings to create alarm and panic and divert from and cover up the crimes of Bush and Blair and their governments. The mass opposition to the G8 Summit in Scotland shows that these crimes are at this very moment becoming ever clearer to people here and throughout the world. Recent days have seen demonstrations of a size and militancy never before seen in Scotland’s capital and the surrounding area towards Gleneagles. Hundreds of thousands have accused the G8 leaders and their governments and policies of neo-liberal globalization of being the primary cause of world poverty and not its saviors. They have linked these policies directly with the policy, especially that of Bush and Blair, of attempting to foist the rule of the monopolies on those who refuse to submit to their dictate. In doing so, primarily through war and gross violation of sovereignty, they have cast aside all international law. The terrible and tragic consequences of this can be seen only too clearly in Iraq and Afghanistan. No circus of millionaire pop stars working hand in glove with the G8 leaders has prevented this growing consciousness. No amount of disinformation spread by the media about a supposed choice between “mindless anarchist violence” and praising the G8 leaders for their efforts so far to alleviate world poverty and putting trust in their sincerity to “go further” can cover up the reality. The bombings have taken place precisely when the crisis of credibility of the leaders at the G8 Summit was reaching a peak, not to speak of the seemingly insolvable differences between them. It has long been the tactic of imperialist governments faced with growing disillusion and opposition to their policies, bringing into question even their entire system, to generate panic and alarm by provoking or even organizing terrorist outrages. Such outrages not only constitute part of a whole campaign of disinformation on who and what is to blame for the problems confronting the people. They are the preferred method to strengthen the dictate of the oppressors against the people and even to blackmail one another. The growing movement against neo-liberal globalization, against war and fascism, so magnificently reflected on the streets of Edinburgh and nearby in recent days, must not permit these outrages to divert it. The people certainly will not be fooled by the protestations of Bush and Blair. RCPB(M-L) is confident that their movement will continue to grow. The people will continue to soberly consider the problems confronting humanity and to provide themselves with the necessary means in terms of information and the organizational forms they require to open up the path to progress, to the other world which is possible, in which imperialist oppression and exploitation will be put to rest. [TOP] Do Not Permit Wanton Killings to Disrupt the People's Political Unity in Action Against Imperialist Plunder and State Terror! - Statement of Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) on the London Bombings, July 7, 2005 - The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) condemns the wanton acts of violence in London, England today in which, once again, it is the innocent who are injured and killed. What is the reason for targeting innocent civilians on their way to work? Who perpetrates such wanton crimes and whose interests do they serve? The leaders of the main imperialist countries meeting at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, especially the war criminals George W. Bush and Tony Blair along with all major imperialist media outlets, were quick to blame "Al Qaeda," "Muslim extremists," "sleeper cells" and the like. Bush and Blair pledged to step up their "war on terror." Far from believing these simplistic accounts, CPC(M-L) holds the imperialist states and their agencies responsible. CPC(M-L) condemns the imperialists and their news agencies for using the occasion to detract attention from the peoples' united opposition to the imperialist agenda and international state terrorism against the peoples of the world. Such acts of wanton violence are and always have been the preferred method used by the imperialists to sabotage the peoples' struggles. At a time the peoples are politically expressing their determination to deal with the serious problems which face their societies and the entire world, the imperialists are creating a climate of anarchy and using state terrorism to cover up their refusal to deal with these problems as the peoples are demanding. The first object is to have people draw the conclusion that whosoever is capable of ending this state of anarchy and confusion should be supported. According to this logic, any measure, including the outright massacre of people, is justified. Another aim is to create an atmosphere in which every uncalled for act of violence, including cold-blooded killings and mass murder, can take place so that people who exercise no control over their lives become indifferent. Another aim is to create a climate in which it is permissible to target entire communities and under certain circumstances incite people to kill one another on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender or ideological differences. Such methods were developed during the 19th century to sabotage the peoples' struggles, especially in France and Czarist Russia. During the 20th century these methods were perfected in the fight against communism and the national liberation struggles. After the Great October Revolution and prior to the Second World War, they were used by the British, French and others in their attempt to egg on Hitler to attack Soviet Russia. These methods were used by Hitler and Mussolini to set up the communists, people of Jewish origin and oppressed peoples and on this basis justify committing atrocities against them. In Canada, it is proven that violence targeting the people has the hand of the state and its agencies behind it. So too in Ireland; the battle between Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants was the policy of the British imperialists to divert the people and obstruct their unity against British rule and the establishment of a united Ireland under their own rule. In Europe, the political wing of NATO confessed to setting up terrorist groups throughout Europe to carry out bombings, kidnappings and create a general climate of terror against the population. Such events were then used to justify the persecution of progressive forces, as well as the policy of state terror on the part of individual governments and the imperialist powers as a whole. The same is the case in India and all other countries where the state and its agencies act with impunity against the people's forces. The crimes against the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean through the dirty wars, Plan Condor, the blockade against Cuba, etc. are all exercised in the name of high ideals. This being the case, why do the media and "experts" remain silent about humanity's experience with the use of such methods? Recalling this experience would assist people to shed light on what is taking place at this time. It clearly shows that the people must pay utmost attention to drawing the warranted conclusions. They must provide themselves with a guide to action which consolidates their political unity in action against the growing fascism and danger of imperialist war. CPC(M-L) calls on the Canadian working class and people and the peoples of all countries to take their own stands and persist in their opposition to the narrow interests of the imperialists for which the peoples are paying a terrible price. CPC(M-L) hails the successful actions carried out in Scotland against the G8 Summit and its nefarious agenda to increase the plunder of the long suffering African continent and divert attention from the deeds of the imperialists and their henchmen in Iraq, Palestine and other countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the fascist measures they are taking in their own countries. CPC(M-L) also opposes all attempts to divert attention from the serious issues facing humankind. We condemn the hypocrisy of the likes of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Martin and other so-called leaders whose pathetic attempts to promote "pop diplomacy" seek to fool the gullible into believing that their sole aim is to solve the problems of the African peoples for which they and they alone are responsible. |
Voice of Revolution USMLO • 3942 N. Central Ave. • Chicago, IL 60634 |