Get on the Bus to D.C.!
All Out for September 24

Thousands of Anti-War Actions
Momentum Builds Nationwide

Crawford to Washington, D.C. Bus Tour 2005
Bring Them Home Now Tour

Get on the Bus to D.C.!

All Out for September 24

Buses, car caravans, trains and planes are all being utilized as hundreds of organizations make plans to converge on Washington D.C. September 24 for anti-war actions. Women are in the forefront as mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq, those whose teenagers are being recruited and those angered by government crimes in Iraq, in Palestine, in Haiti, Korea and here at home, are out in full force, mobilizing, demonstrating and organizing. And as the Camp Caseys across the country show, no one is taking no for an answer!

Conditions are demanding that no one stay on the fence. More than this, they are demanding that all join in giving expression to the public will to End the War Now! Bring All U.S. Troops Home Now! And people across the country are indeed doing so.

In the thousands of local anti-war actions over the past two months there is broadening participation by all kinds of people. Many, young and old, are coming forward to protest for the first time, joining those from the struggles of the Sixties. It is also the common experience of demonstrators, whether in Texas and Florida or California and Massachusetts, to receive enthusiastic support for their anti-war actions, with people honking horns, giving salutes and coming to join in with their own signs and banners.

Participation in the September 24 actions are a means to give united public expression to this firm stand of Americans against aggressive wars and the growing insistence that President Bush be held accountable for his crimes. It is an opportunity to galvanize the resistance that is building and further strengthen the level of organization and consciousness of each and all together.

Let September 24 show our commitment to continue strengthening the political unity that is being built against the government’s path of war and fascism and to lend a hand to all efforts to resist.


Thousands of Anti-War Actions

Momentum Builds Nationwide

August, like July, saw thousands of anti-war actions across the country. The anger and rejection of the Bush government is widespread and growing. People everywhere, in cities and small towns, from south to west to north to east, are demanding that the dangerous direction the government is taking the country and the world be blocked through resistance of all kinds.

The beginning of the month saw Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, and many others set up camp outside Bush’s Crawford ranch. Cindy Sheehan, along with many other mothers who have lost loved ones in Iraq, demanded that Bush be held accountable for his lies, for the deaths of thousands of Iraqis and Americans, for all the crimes in Iraq. Speaking for the large majority of Americans, she said, “I want to tell him [Bush] that the only way to honor my son’s sacrifice is to bring the troops home now. As a mother, why would I want one more mother to go through what I’m going through, Iraqi or American?” She emphasized, “The U.S. presence is the source of all violence there [in Iraq].”

Support for bringing U.S. troops home now and for holding Bush directly responsible was such that hundreds of people from across the country poured into what became known as Camp Casey, named for Cindy Sheehan’s son and all others used as cannon fodder for the rich. A huge tent was erected and volunteers brought food and water so everyone could contend with the scorching Texas heat. When some had to leave, more and more people took their place. As Bush refused to speak with Sheehan and others, Camp Casey’s erupted across the country. Everywhere, banners and signs demanded End the Iraq War Now! And everywhere, people honked and showed their support.

On August 17, in coordinated actions all across the country, hundreds of thousands of supporters gathered at 1,627 vigils in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. From Alaska to Florida, Maine to Mississippi, Oregon to South Carolina and New York to Texas — people from all walks of life gathered together to express their opposition to the war. These actions followed the hundreds of coordinated demonstrations in July demanding Bush’s impeachment for lies and war crimes.

Momentum continues to build against the war and for the upcoming September 24 actions in Washington, D.C. The Bring Them Home Now! Tour has been launched from Crawford, with activists from there organized to hit numerous cities along three routes, north, central and south (see below). Left over supplies from the Crawford Camp have been sent to people in New Orleans to assist with hurricane relief efforts. Many other organizations are holding planning meetings, adding buses for the trip to D.C. and having actions, house meetings and discussions, all as part of strengthening the unity and organization of the growing anti-war movement.


Crawford to Washington, D.C. Bus Tour 2005

Bring Them Home Now Tour

Northern Tour

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Wed, Aug. 31st
Wichita, Kansas: Wed, Aug. 31st - Thu, Sep. 1st
Kansas City, Missouri: Thu, Sep. 1st - Fri, Sep. 2nd
Des Moines, Iowa: Fri, Sep. 2nd - Sat, Sep. 3rd. September 2, 2005 10am - 2pm Mini Camp Casey at Nollen Plaza
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fri, Sep. 2nd - Sat, Sep. 3rd
Madison, Wisconsin: Sat, Sep. 3rd - Mon, Sep. 5th
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Mon, Sep. 5th
Chicago, Illinois: Mon, Sep. 5th - Thu, Sep. 8th. Tuesday, Sept. 6 3:15pm, Senn Academy 5900 N. Glenwood, Chicago
Toledo, Ohio: Thu, Sep. 8th - Fri, Sep. 9th
Detroit, Michigan: Fri, Sep. 9th - Sun, Sep. 11th
Buffalo, New York: Sun, Sep. 11th - Tue, Sep. 13th
Rochester, New York: Tue, Sep. 13th
Syracuse, New York: Tue, Sep. 13th
Albany, New York: Tue, Sep. 13th - Wed, Sep. 14th
Amherst, Massachusetts: Wed, Sep. 14th - Thu, Sep. 15th
Boston, Massachusetts: Thu, Sep. 15th - Sun, Sep. 18th
New Haven, Connecticut: Sun, Sep. 18th
New York City, New York Sun, Sep. 18th - Tue, Sep. 20th

Central Tour

Dallas, Texas: Wed, Aug. 31st
Little Rock, Arkansas: Thu, Sep. 1st - Fri, Sep. 2nd. Potluck and Welcome
Memphis, Tennessee: Fri, Sep. 2nd. 7pm Forum at the National Civil Rights Museum
St. Louis, Missouri: Sat, Sep. 3rd - Mon, Sep. 5th
Indianapolis, Indiana: Mon, Sep. 5th - Wed, Sep. 7th
Cincinnati, Ohio: Wed, Sep. 7th - Thu, Sep. 8th
Columbus, Ohio: Thu, Sep. 8th - Fri, Sep. 9th
Cleveland, Ohio: Fri, Sep. 9th - Sun, Sep. 11th
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Sun, Sep. 11th - Wed, Sep. 14th
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Wed, Sep. 14th
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Wed, Sep. 14th - Sun, Sep. 18th
Baltimore, Maryland: Sun, Sep. 18th - Wed, Sep. 21st

Southern Tour

Austin, Texas: Wed, Aug. 31st - Thu, Sep. 1st
Houston, Texas: Thu, Sep. 1st - Fri, Sep. 2nd
Shreveport, Louisiana: Fri, Sep. 2nd - Sat, Sep. 3rd
Jackson, Mississippi: Sat, Sep. 3rd - Mon, Sep. 5th
Montgomery, Alabama: Mon, Sep. 5th - Tue, Sep. 6th
Tallahassee, Florida: Tue, Sep. 6th - Thu, Sep. 8th
Atlanta, Georgia: Thu, Sep. 8th - Mon, Sep. 12th
Savannah, Georgia: Mon, Sep. 12th - Tue, Sep. 13th
Columbia, South Carolina: Tue, Sep. 13th - Thu, Sep. 15th
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina: Thu, Sep. 15th - Sun, Sep. 18th
Richmond, Virginia: Sun, Sep. 18th - Tue, Sep. 20th
Alexandria, Virginia: Tue, Sep. 20th


Voice of Revolution
Publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization

USMLO • 3942 N. Central Ave. • Chicago, IL 60634