New Parents Join the Movement
Successful Forum Energizes Buffalo to Increase Opt Out Parents and Students You Have the Right to Refuse State Tests



New Parents Join the Movement

Successful Forum Energizes Buffalo
to Increase Testing Opt Outs

The Community Forum: "Teaching the Whole Child or Teaching to the Test" on April 2 was a success! Jamaal Bowman, middle school principal from the Bronx NY, gave an important presentation emphasizing that education needs to serve humanity and changing the world. This was followed by a spirited discussion aimed at increasing the numbers of students refusing the state tests as well as alternatives to testing. These include those of NYC Consortium schools that have a waiver from testing and instead use a portfolio approach enabling students to more fully demonstrate their passions, oral and written abilities, etc. Many Buffalo parents new to opting out of the NYS Tests participated, with about half of the audience from the African American community. Parents, Parent Facilitators and teachers represented schools like Southside Elementary, School #53, Middle Early College and several others.

The event itself, building on a successful event March 12 at Buffalo State College, as well as determined community organizing at churches, schools and neighborhoods, including ads and articles in The Criterion and The Challenger newspapers, have all put the issue of refusing the tests on the agenda in Buffalo! The stand and discussion about refusing the tests reflects the struggle to have parents, students and teachers decide, and is a clear way of saying that these are Our Schools, We Decide!

The discussion energized many and emphasized that everyone should step up their efforts in the coming two weeks to get more information out to students and parents for more opt outs. Teachers and parents alike were urged to provide information as widely as possible so parents and students can choose to refuse. Hundreds of fill-in Opt Out letters and "Did You Know" fact sheets were given to parent facilitators, teachers and others to distribute at their churches and schools on April 4. Thirty "Refuse the NYS Tests" lawn signs were also distributed and will be displayed throughout the city.

All are urged to join the movement! Talk to families and students! Call your friends and relatives! Download the pdf letter and fact sheet, make copies, and hand them out!

Education to Serve Humanity

The presentation from Mr. Bowman made a helpful and inspiring contrast between the need for an education system to celebrate and serve humanity vs. the inhumanity of the tests and the inhumanity of the Common Core-based education system with its focus on tracking, narrowness and humiliation. The education system needs to change in favor of social love and humanity, and the opt out movement is an important part of bringing such change.

Bowman's talk placed education in the context of the existing political and economic system and emphasized that we cannot separate the education system from social problems. Drawing on research, his own experience as a principal, and extensive visits that he has made to schools throughout the New York City area, Bowman elaborated on alternatives to testing and the current system. Teachers and families alike support alternatives like teaching the whole child, encouraging music, art, creativity, joint projects and alternative assessments that enable students to present and be assessed in an all-round way. Portfolio assessments in place of tests, like those done by NYC's Consortium Schools is a step in that direction (Consortium Schools are exempted from all Regents Exams, except English, and allow for a broad and varied way for students to demonstrate their knowledge and creative appreciation of the subjects in order to graduate.)

Parents Speak Out on Refusing the Tests

After the presentation, an extended discussion unfolded featuring broad audience participation with an excellent problem solving spirit. Many people expressed their concerns about testing and curriculum and many joined in responding. The audience supported the active teachers who related the pressures and efforts to silence them, and expressed readiness to ensure that teachers and parents, together, can make sure parents are informed, and standing with their teachers who provide information. Several people volunteered ways in which they were letting people know how to refuse, and various ways they were talking to people.

Overall about 50-60 people attended the event, with a good turnout from parents. About half the participants were new to opting out, and came mainly from the African American community. Parents joined in the discussion and took opt out letters for their schools. Several parent facilitators and people from the Buffalo Parent Teacher Organization and the District Parent Coordinating Council were present. There was also a good turnout from the Buffalo We Decide Committee, and from Western New Yorkers for Public Education, and from teachers. The Buffalo School Board candidate for the Central district, Paulette Woods was also there.

Both The Criterion and The Challenger newspapers, which mianly serve the African American community, were present and enthusiastic to be covering the event. They thanked the organizers for placing ads to promote the events. These papers and the Buffalo Forum have been looked to for accurate reporting on education and opting out, and people continue to do so.

Buffalo Board of Education members Dr. Barbara Seals Nevergold and Sharon Belton-Cottman energetically participated in the event and made remarks positive and helpful to the discussion. Both supported opting out of the tests and urged parents to do the same. They, like others, strongly criticized the efforts of Commissioner Elia on her recent visit to Buffalo. Elia went to West Hertel Academy in Buffalo (a school still in receivership) to push testing and had the principal hold a pro-testing pep rally. The board members and many of the participants also denounced the letter sent home by Buffalo Superintendent Kriner Cash pushing testing. These efforts, along with Buffalo News coverage, were opposed as having untrue content and unfair coercion. On the other hand, these efforts also represent the strength of the test refusal organizing, and clearly show that Commissioner Elia is worried.

Overall the event informed and inspired and drew new people into the fight, so all concerned consider it a success. These are Our Schools, We Decide to refuse state testing!


Parents and Students You Have the Right to Refuse State Tests

Get informed about testing and inform others. Please download and copy the pdf below with a "Did You Know" fact sheet and OPT OUT letter for parents and students. Distribute and hand out it out as widely as you can!



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